Chapter 5- Beth and Megan

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Chapter 5

"Alysa.. Alysa.. wake up you've got to go soon!"

Feeling groggy, I opened my eyes. How long have I been asleep? I hope not too long. Seeming to read my mind, Jessie said "well its kinda 4.."

"4?!?" I cut her off "but wasn't I meant to be back at the care home by now?"

They're gonna kill me for getting back late.

"I called them up before and asked them to let you stay until half four and they agreed. Oh and while you were asleep I put some songs onto an iPod for you, just the usual artists like Ellie Goulding, Katy Perry.. and I put my albums on there too." Jess said with a hint of a smile on her face. Aww she could be so cute, she blushed and everything when she said about her album.. but wait a second, didn't I fall asleep on her lap?

"You sure?! Aren't iPod's really expensive though?! And I thought I fell asleep on your lap?!"

She laughs and replies "well you did but when you were asleep I got restless because nothing decent was on telly so I decided to put some songs on a spare iPod that I, for some weird reason, have".

Jess dropped me off at the care home and I hugged her tightly before she left. I waved her off and as soon as she had gone I closed the door, grabbed my rucksack and went up the stairs. I chucked my rucksack into the corner of my room and got my new iPod & earphones from my pocket. Jessie'd given me a greeny/blue/turquoise classic one, you know the ones like the nano but with the screen?

I put my earphones on and flicked through a few of the songs until I got to the songs by 'Jessie J'. After I'd listened to pretty much all of them off both of her albums I couldn't describe the feeling inside me. A singer, who with that good of a voice must be really famous, and she still wants to foster me. ME! I'm just the girl with a horrid past that has know friends or family and's in care. Immediately I decided that all of her songs were amazing, but my favourites had to be Big White Room, My Shadow, Who You Are and Unite. I glanced at my watch and realised that it was now 2 hours since I got back already! Feeling a sudden urge of hunger, I put my iPod in the pocket of my jacket and went downstairs to get some crisps.

No one was downstairs except for Sophie who was in the room between her office and the kitchen who was 'tutoring' (what Sophie calls it not me) this new kid, Clara, who moved in a few days ago. By 'tutoring' Sophie means that she'll be lecturing you about your future, your family, your school, how you're getting on, just stuff like that. Most likely they're talking about some couple who wants to foster her until she gets adopted. She's only 6, most kids that age get snapped quickly into foster homes so that they have a 'sense of normality', yet us 'older' kids get left and forgotten until someone wants to adopt us.

I grabbed the packet of crisps then made my way past the room where Clara and Sophie were, past the office and then to the stairs.

I looked upwards when I was half way up when I realised that Megan and Beth were waiting for me at the top. Great.

"Oh look, she's back" Megan said with an evil smirk on her face.

"What a shame I thought we'd got rid of her once and for all" Beth said.

"Nah she always comes crawling back like the little insect she is" Megan replied to her, as she stared at me.

"How you doing little brat" Beth questioned me.

"Fine" I told them, keeping my answer blunt and saying it through gritted teeth as I tried to get past them. They blocked me and gave me a shove that made me stumble backwards but I luckily caught the handrail.

"Whoops being clumsy again brat, you need to be more careful" Megan said with more than a hint of evil and sarcasm in her voice.

I sighed "Can you just let me past, I've done nothing to you"

"Um.. Nothing? No no no you've been horrible to us from the start" Beth said. Why they always insist this I don't know, I have never even spoken to them before except from if they asked questions. I started to feel a bit annoyed, why do they always treat me like this, and never get caught no matter what?

"Just let me past"

Beth came close to my face challenging me and whispered menacingly


"Why are you two always like this to me, I've done NOTHING and you know what? I'm fed up of you both" I said.

Annoyed at them and tired of the bullying I went to barge past them, but just as I was about to take another step past Beth strongly caught me by my shoulder and threw me backwards. I hurriedly tried to reach for the hand rail but I missed it and could only grasp air. Breathless, while I fell I made no noise from my mouth, not even a scream, as I braced myself for the impact at the bottom of the stairs. Time seemed to go in slow motion as my body got closer to hitting the stairs, until it did. I can't really remember much pain, just the first massive wave of it when I hit the floor. The last thing I remembered was waking up briefly at the bottom of the stairs, to see Beth and Megan's shocked faces above me and to hear them say 'my god what if you've killed her' and 'we need to go back to our room, someone'll find her soon and if they ask then we were in our room together the whole time", but then I drifted off into darkness and unknown.

A/N- I give you permission to hate me :)

I promise that I won't wait long to update, it should be up by Wednesday, this is slightly shorter than my usual but it was wayy shorter before I edited it! Also sorry if I tend to skip between talking as if its happening now or if its being told after its happened (so basically tenses) its a really annoying habit of mine :\

~Jessie xx

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