Chapter 3 Sleepover- part 2

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Chapter 3 part 2

Jessie- Alysa..!

I looked up in shock and she was staring at me.. And then I realised where.. When I'd started washing up I'd forgot and I'd rolled up my sleeves, revealing my scars. All to late I rolled down my sleeves and looked downwards in shame.

Jessie ran up to me and pulled me into a big hug

Jessie- why?

She asked gently. I just sighed and leant into the hug. She guided us both back to the living room but instead sat onto the armchair and pulled me onto her lap. I sobbed into her shoulder and she comforted me. I gently pulled away, and without making eye contact, I started to tell her my story.

Alysa- It only really makes sense if I tell you my full story, but sorry..

Jessie- you can tell me

Alysa- you sure?

I took a deep breath in.. Here was the moment she could reject me

Alysa- I was a fine, normal child with a happy life until my mum died when I was 6. Until then we were the usual family, a mum, dad, and two girls. I had a twin sister, Twisha. Everyone said that my mums death was suicide, yet when I think about it now it may well have been my dad that did it. He was evil. After her death he used to.. Abuse me and my sister. We were his slaves in more ways than one, if he wanted something doing then we would have to do it for him, if he wanted.. Pleasuring, then we would be the people who he would force to, you know. He did this for 2 years, and he slowly got more and more mad. At first it was just the getting stuff for him and pleasuring him, but then that turned to him hitting, beating or doing whatever he wanted to us if we did the slightest thing wrong. Everyday he'd call us useless, brats, ugly, worthless, say that we were nobodies. We weren't allowed any best friends 'in case we told' so the fact me and my sister had each other were the only reason that we coped through everything he did to us. But one day when we were 10, Twisha decided to object to what he said. She was always the more confident one, although until then she had never dared stop him. At first he was shocked, but then he was angry. We didn't have time to react as he yelled for us to stay where we were. Petrified we did. He stormed off and when he returned he dragged us up to our room where he pushed her down and told me to sit on my bed. He locked the door of our bedroom so that we were trapped with no escape from him. He forced me to watch as he revealed a bat used usually for rouders or cricket or something, and then turned and violently beat Twisha again, and again and again with it until she was motionless. He stormed out of the room and locked us in it. I couldn't believe it, my own dad had killed my sister. I'm not sure how long I just sat frozen and unable to move, but after a while I saw that Twisha was starting to slightly move, and so I ran up to her. I told her that she'd be okay, that dad wasn't here, that I was there for her, but she knew that she was only alive by a tiny thread. But what she said to me in those last few minutes, if she hadn't have said them, then I probably wouldn't have told anyone, a.nd I'd still be stuck there now. She told me just before she passed to tell our teacher, miss Rae and get her to take me away. I would have objected, told her that I couldn't leave without her. But..I knew she didn't have long left. The next day at school I did tell miss Rae and she managed to get me into a care home, the same one I'm in now, and away from him. My dad eventually got sentenced for 5 years minimum, for murder and numerous counts of child abuse, but it's not enough if you ask me.

I paused and looked up at her, Jess was crying. I wiped away my own tears and continued.

Alysa- ever since I first got to the care home these two girls, Megan and Beth, have hated me. Every time I see them they call me names, which I'm not really bothered about but it reminds me of my dad, and that reminds me of Twisha. I guess cutting has just been a way to get it all out.

I pulled Jess I tighter as I felt the weight left off my shoulders. I've never told anyone all of that before.

Jessie- you know you for have to do this anymore, you can just talk to me, text me and I'll be there.

I smiled at her. She is so considerate, she's nothing like anyone I've ever met except my sister.

Jessie- wait a second..

Her face had completely fell

Jessie- we've forgotten about the cake!!

We quickly got up and ran, and luckily we had got the cake just in time. Glancing at the clock, we agreed that we should probably get to sleep now seeming as it was 10 and we were going out the day after. We put the cake to cool, and chased each other upstairs laughing. When we got to the top of the stairs Jess said-

Lets have a competition, we both go into our rooms, get dressed for night, and then meet here. The first one to get back wins!

Alysa- Deal

We both rushed off and I dragged out my pj's, I undid my hair and let it hang loose on my shoulders. I ran to the bathroom along with Jessie and bushed my teeth, then rushed out of the bathroom at exactly the same time as Jessie.

Jessie- BEAT YOU

Alysa- No you did not!!

Jessie- .. You're still wearing your socks!

Alysa- maybe I sleep in my socks

Jessie- well... Well

Jess hurriedly tried to think up a comeback but failed and I couldn't stop laughing at her, she's such a kid. In the end we just pulled each other into a hug, still in fits of giggles. As we pulled away I whispered in her ear- I definitely won- and then ran off to my room before she had chance to reply. Curling up in bed I just couldn't believe that she is so nice, maybe she could be my destined adopter... but I can't think like that. because nothing ever goes my way and why bother building myself up when it's never gonna happen, right?

A/N- yes.. I know, I'm awful. I shouldn't have left you on a cliff hanger for a week. Aaand I've got bad news too... On Monday I'm going on holiday to turkey, and I'm not sure if there'll be any wifi to update :/ I will try to update at least once and if not then I'll write loads of chapters so I don't get this behind again. I might update tomorrow if I get chance! Thanks for all of the reads and votes, even though I've been horrible to all of you, please keep reading!! :P

Also if any of you recommend any Jessie J fan fics for me that I can read on the plane then please comment

~Jessie xx

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