Chapter 7- Don't you care?

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 Chapter 7

*Jessie's POV*

Why did I let her go back to that home. No doubt this 'accident' happened because of them girls that hate her. After what she'd told me and about how she was self-harming and that.. I should have kept her at my house, I should have spoken to Sophie, I should have kept her safe- even if I could have just got her into a different care home for the time being so that she wasn't at risk.

I don't know if she can hear me, but I've been talking to her, I had hoped that that might wake her up but deep inside I knew it wouldn't. Why would she wake up for a person she barely knows?

That’s why Alysa's social worker doesn't want me to be here, saying that it would be 'pointless' and that I don't know anything about her. And this was all discussed over text. To be honest I'm quite annoyed with her social worker. A day after the Alysa went into hospital Sophie had called me up and told me that Alysa had had an accident and was in hospital. I couldn't believe it.. I asked her to tell me what hospital she was in but she said I wouldn't be able to see Alysa until it was cleared by her social worker. Sophie gave me Alysa's social workers number and even though I tried to call him he insisted that we talked through text. To be honest it was a good job that it was through text, otherwise I would have yelled down the phone at him. I had obviously told Holly, so she was with me while I texted him and it took all of her persuasiveness and energy to convince me to not walk to his office and scream at him right that second. I know that it may have seemed that I was overreacting, but it had taken me a week to even get through to him and with me just starting my tour I felt so stressed.

Holly has been so amazing through all of this, she's stuck by me even though I must be annoying at the moment. I’m so glad I have her. She drove me here today, but knowing what I'm like she let me come to see Alysa by myself while she went shopping. I honestly couldn't ask for a better best friend.

Truthfully… I’m not meant to be here with Alysa. I know that it’s only a matter of time before Sophie or Alysa’s social worker find out but I’m willing to risk it. Sophie told me the other day when I asked, that nobody had been to see Alysa whilst she’s been in her coma and frankly I’m appalled. I knew then that I had to go and visit her because imagine not being able to do anything but think for 4 weeks- I know that after just a day I would have drove myself mad!

I squeezed her hand again, I still hadn’t let go of it just in case she got a random burst of strength and squeezed my hand back whilst I was thinking, and I start to talk to her again.

“Now I don’t… I don’t know for sure what happened for you to end up here, but regardless of if Megan and that other girl had something to do with this, once you’re awake I’m gonna make sure that you can get moved care homes or move in with me. It’ll definitely be your choice and I’m not pressuring you into being adopted by me but I don’t want you..”

I hear the room door open and I turn round to see who it is. Sophie. She ushers me out and as soon as I’m into the corridor and I’ve shut the door behind me she starts to whisper urgently at me.

‘You shouldn’t be here’

‘You said so yourself, nobody has visited her in all this time, its not fair on her!’

‘We’ve not had chance, shes not the only care kid out there’

‘So you’re telling me that she isn’t any more important when she’s the one in hospital and people visiting her could potentially help her recovery?’

‘You know that’s not what I’m saying, but either way you’re not authorised to visit her yet’

‘So who is meant to visit her then? Seeming as you and her social worker are too ‘busy’?’

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