#6 Plan?

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I want you. All of you.
Your flaws. Your mistakes.
Your imperfections. I want
you, and only you.


"Dan sekarang kita akan melihat persembahan dari Louis Davidson kelas XII-A." ucap Evelyn.

~Louis POV~

Semua orang melihat kearahku terheran heran, karena aku mengisi acara ini tanpa sepengetahuan siapapun, terutama Mario dan Taffana.

Pertama-tama aku mulai menaiki panggung sambil membawa gitar yang sudah tergantung di leherku.

Aku mulai menatap para tamu undangan dengan senyuman yang manis agar semuanya terhanyut pada alunan gitar dan lagu yang kubawakan.

If I got locked away
And we lost it all today
Tell me honestly, would you still love me the same?
If I showed you my flaws
If I couldn't be strong
Tell me honestly, would you still love me the same?

Right about now
If a judge for life me would you stay by my side?
Or is you gonna say goodbye?
Can you tell me right now?
If I couldn't buy you the fancy things in life
Shawty, would it be alright?
Come and show me that you are down

Now tell me would you really ride for me?
Baby tell me would you die for me?
Would you spend your whole life with me?
Would you be there to always hold me down?
Tell me would you really cry for me?
Baby don't lie to me
If I didn't have anything
I wanna know would you stick around?

Aku menatap dalam Taffana karena lagu ini hanya untuk Taffana

Taffana membalas tatapan ku dan mulai mengembangkan senyumannya kearah ku

If I got locked away
And we lost it all today
Tell me honestly, would you still love me the same?
If I showed you my flaws
If I couldn't be strong
Tell me honestly, would you still love me the same?

Let's get it diddly-down-down-down
All I want is somebody real who don't need much
A gal I know that I can trust
To be here when money low
If I did not have nothing else to give but love
Would that even be enough?
Gal meh need fi know

Now tell me would you really ride for me?
Baby tell me would you die for me?
Would you spend your whole life with me?
Would you be there to always hold me down?
Tell me would you really cry for me?
Baby don't lie to me
If I didn't have anything
I wanna know would you stick around?

If I got locked away
And we lost it all today
Tell me honestly, would you still love me the same?
If I showed you my flaws
If I couldn't be strong
Tell me honestly, would you still love me the same?

Tell me, tell me, would you want me? (Want me!)
Tell me, tell me, would you call me? (Call me!)
If you knew I wasn't ballin'
Cause I need a gal who's always by my side
Tell me, tell me, do you need me? (Need me)
Tell me, tell me, do you love me yeah?
Or is you just tryna play me?
Cause I need a girl to hold me down for life

If I got locked away
And we lost it all today
Tell me honestly would you still love me the same?
If I showed you my flaws
If I couldn't be strong
Tell me honestly would you still love me the same?

If I got locked away
And we lost it all today
Tell me honestly would you still love me the same?
If I showed you my flaws
If I couldn't be strong
Tell me honestly would you still love me the same?

Would you still love me the same?

Terdengar suara tepuk tangan yang sangat riuh dari semua tamu undangan termasuk semua siswa SMA Mulia.

"Wow, suaranya keren abis ya Taff?" tanya Nira kepada Taffana

"Iya, gue terpukau banget dengan persembahannya, tambah cinta deh, gue." sahut Taffana

Aku tersenyum kearah Taffana karena kelihatannya dia membincang-bincangkat tentang suaraku ke Nira temannya.

Setelah tepuk tangan semua orang reda aku langsung turun dari panggung menuju Taffana yang kelihatannya menungguku dari tadi.

"Wow, bro sejak kapan lo mau ikutan acara Dienatalies?" ucap Mario terheran heran

"Sejak gue suka sama adek lo, bro."

"Beneran bro? Lo suka sama adek gue beneran? Gue kira lo cuma bercanda?!" balas Mario tak percaya

"Gue emang suka sama adek lo mulai kelas XII SMA ini, karena dia itu cukup menarik buat gue." ucapku lagi

"Kalau gitu, gue dukung lo bro sepenuhnya. Gue suka kalau lo mulai menjalin hubungan sama adek gue, karena kelihatannya adek gue juga suka sama lo!" kata Mario menyemangati gue

"Kok lo tau? Emangnya dia pernah cerita ke lo?"

"Gak pernah sih, tapi saat lo ngajak dia keluar dia."

"Setelah ini gue mau ngungkapin perasaan gue ke Taffana, entah adek lo nerima atau enggak tapi gue tetep terima apa jawaban adek lo." ucapku menjelaskan

Tiba-tiba Taffana berjalan kearahku dan Mario, seketika aku menghentikan pembicaraan yang menyangkut nama Taffana.

"Hey, kak congrats ya, gue suka banget sama suara lo kak, bagus banget kayak suara Justin Beiber." Taffana tampak tersenyum senang melihat penampilanku tadi

"Makasih ya cantik pujiannya." jawabku kearah Taffana

Tampak didekatku Mario yang ngerutkan dahinya tampaknya dia tau apa yang selanjutnya aku bicarakan kepada Taffana.

"Yaudah bro, gue mau persiapkan band buat nanti acara penutup." ucap Mario

"Oke bro, fighting yak!"


Aing lelah mak, hehehe sehari buat 3 chapter((:

Vomment ya para readers ku, hehehe...

Butuh penyemangat nih): hehehe...somplak lu thor:"V

Blitar, 15 Juni 2016 pukul 20.22


DestinyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang