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Chapter 1: Grey Eyes

Jaxon Marion

I'm sitting at a table in the library when she walks in. The girl that I have pining over for years. Her family moved to town when I was 7 years old. She was a year younger than me but still in my first grade class.

I remember the first time I saw her. She had pink ribbons tied in bows on the ends of her braided pigtails and I wanted nothing more then to steal her bows just so she'd notice me.

I'd been so shy at the time that I didn't even tell her hi. Through out the years we'd occasionally get paired as partners for a school project. The only times I ever really talked to her.

Then the night of graduation came and I was sure that I had lost my chance at ever talking to her, then I found out she was going to the same college as me. I was so happy. But I STILL have never got the nerve to talk to her.

I watch as she sits at the table in front of me. She flips her long blonde hair over her shoulder as she bends over to get out her text book. Psychology. I have that class with her. She sits 2 rows in front of me, 3 seats to the left.

I sat in the window seat, like I do everyday, watching over the edge of my book as she bit her lip and writes notes. What I wouldn't give to be that lip.

An hour goes by and she packs her stuff to leave. I look at the time and realize I need to go too. I leave the library before she does and make my way to the bus stop, pulling my jean jacket tight around me to keep the cold away.

Someone sits on the bench down from me. I shy a glance and her grey eyes meet my blue ones. She gives me a small smile before I turn my head back to my feet. I keep giving her glances as she reads her book. She smiles and then giggles at certain parts.

Then the bus comes and we both get on.

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