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The realization has finally set in. And I honestly can say I'm proud of myself.

I finally asked out the girl that I'd secretly admired for years.

When she opened the door, my jaw almost hit the floor. She was so beautiful. I cursed myself for being an idiot and taking so long to finally ask her out.

And she's funny. Her comment about our skin touching just made me want to laugh. Speaking of which...can you seriously believe I'm holding hands with her! I'm honestly so excited.

Can't you tell that I'm hardly containing myself.

Anyways, we are currently walking down the street towards a diner. The diner is called Speeds. and it's surprisingly not super popular. Which is a mistake because, oh god, their food is bomb.

But it's a new place so at the same time I'm not really surprised. One thing cool about the place is that the owner is my cousin. He has made the shops 1950's themed and it's just a place where you can go and feel good.

I hold the door open as Elliot walks in and spot my cousin next to the cash register. He's a bit older than me being 26 but with his shop, which he calls "the project that finally payed off", he's done well for himself. There is an old rock song playing in the background and I nod my head to it a bit.

Elliot and I take a seat in a booth next to the wall. The red vinyl sinks under my weight and I reach for a menu that is resting on the table.

Time to begin our date.

Jaxon Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu