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"Girls suck. Like honestly I really just want her to like me but I don't even exist when it comes to her. We see each other and she acknowledges me but that's it. I've liked her for so long and I'm tired of this not going anywhere." It's Jaxon that I hear say these words as I was about to walk out into the hallway.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes before turning around and sliding down the door.

So he likes someone.

Someone that's not me.

My heart feels like it's been stomped on and then ran over with a big monster truck.


My eyes begin to water and I don't even attempt to keep the tears from coming.

Of course he doesn't like me. Of course he likes another girl. Of course.

A sudden knock on the door has me bolting off of the ground and turning to face the door.

Looking out the peep hole I see a tall man.

Not just any tall man.

Tall man Jaxon.

Oh fuck. I'm done. Right here, right now. This is where I die. I can see the engraving on my headstone now.

Here lies
Elliot Dawson.
Death by crush

Hmm. That's not bad actually.

And then I can see Jaxon there at my funeral. With a pretty girl hanging in his arm. Kissing him. Making him feel better.

I shake my head trying to get rid of these thoughts and slowly open the door.

Oh boy. Here we go.

Jaxon Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu