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She looks like she's going to say something. Like she's going to open her mouth and words will just pour from her lips.

I've never been more thankful for a crowded busses. But if it means a seat next to Elliot I'll take a crowded bus any day.

I steal a glance at her, and then another. And all the way to my stop I'm stealing glances of her flawless face.

I want to say something, but I'm too scared to. What if she thinks I'm weird? What if she doesn't say anything?

We come to the stop outside of my work and sadly, this means I get off.

As I stand up I fix my shirt and look back at her.

She gives me a smile and turns her head away.

I want to say something.
So I do.

"Bye Elliot." Then I book it from the bus and jump to the side walk. As the bus pulls away from the curb I turn and look at the window she's sitting at.

There's a big smile on her face. A smile that makes me think maybe she likes me too.

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