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When it finally sets in, I can't believe it's actually happening.

I'm really on a date with Jaxon.

As we walk down the street looking at all the houses and stores that line the sidewalk, i can't help think I'm dreaming.

I'm not walking down the sidewalk with the guy I've liked forever.

I'm not absolutely terrified he won't like me.

I'm not actually feeling his hand brush mine every time they pass.

But it is. It's really happening.

Jaxon is actually here.

I'm actually terrified.

And he's actually taking my hand in his and lacing our fingers together.



Oh my geez. I'm holding hands with Jaxon. Oh no. What if my hand is sweaty? What if it's to big? Oh no. Oh no.

"Calm down. If you don't want me to hold your hand it alright." I hear Jaxon's voice say next to me.

Oh no Elliot. Think fast you ninny. "Oh no. I quite like you skin next to mine."


Instead of pulling his hand back and be creeped out like I thought he would. Jaxon just laughs and squeezes my hand.

Okay, let's work on never saying that again.

Jaxon Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu