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Chapter 2: Just Across the Hall

Elliot Dawson

Perfect. That was the only way I could describe him. From the way his hair was naturally messy on some days and spiked up on others to the way he his blue eyes sparkled.

I always payed attention to him the days I was in the library and he was conveniently just in front of me. The way he smiled as he read his book like a character just said something funny.

He was so...perfect.

Since I was just six years old I've watched him, but it never seemed like I was worth paying attention to for him. I mean common, he was perfect. From the tip of his brown hair to the bottom of his feet, he was the epitome of perfection. I was no where in his league.

Like the gentleman he is, he lets me enter the bus first, placing his hand in the small of my back to help me up. I couldn't hide the shiver I felt at his touch and in sure if he noticed he'd be smiling.

I always sat at the back of the bus. He always sat in the middle. It's been this way all the time I've known him. 6 years of elementary school. 2 years of Junior high, 4 years of high school. And now, the second year of college. In all my 19 years I've never quite met someone like Jaxon Marion.

He's different. Good, different. He has a small town southern boy charm that make girls fall at his feet. He's not your normal country boy however, he doesn't wear a big hat or cowboy boots all the time. But, if you look close enough you can tell he's a kid from the country.

I sit quietly in the same seat I have for the past two years looking at my Phycology book while Jaxon stares out the window, lost in his thoughts.

I wish I were in his thoughts.

The bus stops and I stand up, as does Jaxon. He never walks in front of me, he always wait for me to go first. We walk next to each other, never looking, never talking. We enter the dorm building together. We enter the elevator together. We both go to the fifth floor. We exit together. We walk down the hall. I stop at room 508 he stops at room 509. We unlock our doors. And as the doors close, we make eye contact.

How I wish I could just talk to him.

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