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I pick up the sticky note and smile as I read it.

Hi, I see you in here every day and I'm hoping you don't think I'm a weirdo for writing you this, but I'm to nervous to approach you in person. Maybe if I wrote these notes to you I'll finally get the courage to actually talk to you. Hello. Goodbye. ~X

In my heart I feel myself wish that it was Jaxon writing this note but I know that couldn't be true, he's never payed attention to me much less wrote me a note.

I bite my bottom lip as I pull one of my purple sticky notes from my bad and begin to write a note to this mystery person.

I click my pen and place my things in my bag, then I stick the note on the table and leave the library without looking back.

Jaxon Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu