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I lay in bed that night just thinking about how right across the hall is the girl of my dreams. 

Remembering the sticky note thing I only did once, I'm kind of happy I didn't continue that. If I would had, I don't think I could have ever worked up the courage to say a word to her.

All of a sudden, I hear a scream and a loud bang. Jumping out of bed I head for the room to my dorm completely forgetting I had nothing but a pair of tight Calvin Klein boxers on.

I'm out in the hall when I hear another loud bang and another scream. It's Elliot's dorm.

I bang my fist furiously on the door desperate to find out what's going on. Peeking her head out the door a shaking Elliot looks at me with big eyes.

"Wha-what are you doing here." She asks.

"I heard screaming is everything okay? Are you alright?"

Elliot brings her bottom lip between her teeth and I fight not to stare at it. She turns her head and when she looks back at me her cheeks are tinged red with a light blush.

"Can you kill a spider for me?"

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