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I feel like such an idiot that Jaxon is here, in my dorm. And did I mention, HE'S IN HIS UNDERWEAR!

When I opened the door I was sure I would faint. As I turned my head, feeling the blush creep upon my cheeks, I wasn't sure if it was from the fact this godly being was standing in front of me in his Calvin Klein's or the request I was about to make.

"Can you kill a spider for me?" Oh no. Did I really just say that?

Jaxon looked at me with a look I couldn't quite understand. Before I knew it, I opened my mouth again and the rambling began.

"It's just that there's a spider on my bed and I'm terrified of spiders so I can't even go near it to kill it and you're standing here in underwear and this spider is really big and you're hot but this spi-" I was suddenly cut off by a hand.

Raising my eyes I looked into his and on his face was a look I can't describe. It was...different.

"I can kill the spider." He smiled at me revealing two perfect rows of shining white teeth. I nodded and his head slowly fell from my mouth.

I opened the door wider, revealing myself to him. He stepped in a look at me, "cute" he said.

I looked down at my clothes. Well, I guess Jaxon isn't the only one in underwear.

Jaxon Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu