Chapter 2

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I woke up in the morning by the alarm attacking my ears again. I walked to the bathroom and take a shower. It was still 7.00 in the morning when I was done with all my things. I went down and took a cereal from the upper drawer.

My mom and dad then approach me to the kitchen. "You're all ready?", my mom asked. I just nodded without even looking at her. I finished my breakfast and asked where will my school be. "Mom where will my school be?", I asked. "I forgot the name, but perhaps the name of your school is attached to your uniform now", she said. I looked at my new uniform and spotted the name of the school. It was Seoul highschool. What a casual name for a highschool.

I then spotted a car key hanging on the wall. Well I haven't get my license yet but I know how to drive already. Besides, my age is old enough to make me drive a car.

I put my shoes on and bring my back and quickly take the keys. "Park Jihye! What do you think you're doing! You don't even have your license!", my dad shouted while my mom just shook her head. I didn't listen to my dad and went out holding the car keys. What is weird is that my dad didn't chase me until I arrive to the car. I still didn't know where and what the car is. I searched for it and spotted a white Mercedes Benz and got in. I checked the buttons and pressed one. The button I press makes the roof of the car flung open. Cool, I just knew that my dad have a car like this.

I pressed the button again and the roof of the car went back. I drive the car towards the gate but the gate didn't open. Oh ya! I forgot that there is a password on the gate. I approach to the gate and went to the password pad. I didn't know the password but then i guess. First, I tried my dad's birthday date there. But it's wrong, but then I tried mine, and it's correct.

I drove the car outside then the gate automatically closed. I took my phone and search for a GPS. I search for the schools name and found it. It was not that far from here.

Few minutes later, I arrived at the school. I parked my car and suddenly there is also a white Mercedes Benz that just park beside me. I went out from my car and locked it. I bring my back with only one of my hand while the other hand is holding my phone. The person beside my car also went out of his car. Suddenly there was so many students coming towards me. I was walking beside that guy. I didn't took a glance at him but he looked familiar. Students was looking towards our way. I didn't know that they were looking at me or him. I whisper to him and asked something. "Yah, who are those students looking at", I whispered with a low voice to him. "I dunno maybe you maybe me", he whispered back. He was ignoring them while playing his phone. So I did the same. He played his phone using his right hand. But then I spotted something, there was a tattoo in his right hand that is written 'young forever' in it. Yah! It's the same with my tattoo. The different is, mine is on the left and his tattoo is on the right.

I realize that the students was still looking towards us. I went in to the school and go separate ways with him. I went to the door that has the writing principal's office on it. I knocked the door and went in.

"Annyeong, I'm park Jihye", I said to the principal that is sitting on her chair. "Oh annyeong, you must be the transfer student right", she said and I nodded. "I'm ms. Jung, your principal", she greeted herself to me. We walked outside the room while she showed me the way to my class.

"So this is your class, it's class D-2", she said. "Oh ok thank you for accompanying me to this class ms. Jung. Then another teacher came and greeted herself. Her name was ms. Lee. She asked me to follow her to come in to the class. I came in and noticed all eyes on me. I was ask to greet myself to them. "Annyeong, my name is Park Jihye, I'm a transfer student from Japan but I'm Korean", I greeted them. "You may ask Jihye about anything, but politely", the teacher said to the other students. Then I saw 5 students raising his and her hand. Ms. Lee pointed at one students and that student started asking me. "Are you a twin of Kim Taehyung that is in class A-2?", the student said. "Aniyo, I don't know who is Kim Taehyung", I said. Then another student asked. "You don't know Kim Taehyung?! How come? You even walked together this morning at the parking lot", she said. "Plus you have the same car and tattoo with Kim Taehyung writing 'young forever' in it", she said. Then I just knew that this Kim Taehyung is the one I met this morning. "But I still think that it's impossible for her to be Taehyung's twin, her attitude is not even the same", she said. "Enough guys, stop attacking her with questions", the teacher said. "Jihye, you may sit beside Taeyoon there", the teacher was pointing to a girl that said that I'm not Taehyung's twin.

"Annyeong I'm Taeyoon", she said. "Yeah I know, the teacher told me before", I said that without looking at her face. Well she looks like a nerd with glasses and a one braid on. But I guess she looks smart. The math lesson was quite boring.

2 hours pass and the class is dismissed. I went to the canteen to eat lunch. I was picking some food when there was so many students offering me to sit with them. There was one table that is empty though. As soon as I sat there, there was so many random students coming towards me either it's a boy or a girl. Why are they fangirling/fanboying me like this. "May I ask something", one student ask me. I just nod. "Wait, before you ask me, you must help me get rid of all these students surrounding me", I asked her. The girl shoo them away and it was me and her that is left.

"What's your name again", I asked the girl. "I'm Taeya, perhaps you are the transfer student that is one class with my twin Taeyoon", what! She looks so different with Taeyoon. She's not even nerdy. "So what do you want to ask me before", I asked her. "Oh that, I wanna ask, do you know Taehyung well", she asked. "Aniyo, but who is that Taehyung actually?", I asked her back. "He is the biggest bullier in this school, there is only two friends that he have, Jimin and Jungkook", she explained to me. So that's why he only sits with that Jimin and Jungkook. "Plus he never replied or talk to someone else except Jimin and Jungkook beside bullying people", Taeya said. "No one dares to talk to him beside Jimin and Jungkook, if anyone else talk to him, Taehyung will bully that person no matter what", Taeya said.

"Really?", I asked Taeya. "Ya really, what you want to talk to him?!", she said. "No it's just, this morning I talked to him and he replied it without anger", I said to Taeya. "What?! You kidding me! He replied you?!", she shouted at my ear. I just nodded and continue eating.

The break was done and another lessons is starting. It's about history now and the teacher is ms. Kim. I was getting bored and I really want to get out of this class. "Ms. Kim, may I go to the restroom", I said to her as an excuse to go out of this class. She nodded and I went out.

After going from the toilet, I didn't want to go back to class. Instead, I made my way to the rooftop of the school.

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