Chapter 1

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            Four hundred years ago, there was a war, a great war. No one had ever seen one quite like it. Millions died, even more were injured, or homeless, or even without families. Why did this all start? What quarrel was so important that this had to happen? Well, it was because of the Russians.

As most know, Russia has been known as a right-violating communist society, whom has battled more than a few times with America. Ever since a big oil field was discovered, Russia saw an opportunity so greedy that would alter history. Their leader Adrik Putin of the Putin dynasty, thought if they could keep this a secret and tell the world they were running low on oil, gas and oil prices will at least quadruple. Trillions of dollars could be added to the First National Bank of Russia.

The world played their game for about five years until the CIA got suspicious. They interrogated the oil workers, and of course if you have a knife you can make almost anyone talk. The world was outraged. America claimed that the action violated the International Trade Treaty (ITT). Russia just gave them the big middle missile, and the rest is history.

The ITT states that all countries that were to internationally trade and/or make economic deals with other countries have to be 100% honest in doing so. Failure to comply with this action would result in a fine of double the amount of money cheated. The money from the fine would distribute equally among all countries.

Now after all those deaths earlier described, the two sides finally formed a compromise 16 years later. The International Peace Compromise (IPC) stated that the Earth will be in an anarchy, with no government whatsoever, because that's what seems to be causing all these wars in the first place. The newly discovered planet Jarican should be under complete government control. On top of that, Russia only had to pay half of what they earned from the oil.

Everyone was just so relieved that the war was over, no one argued. The Russians and their allies in the Middle East got in a gigantic space shuttle that took them of into the nearby galaxy, where there was the planet Jarican. The Americans and their allies, and most Europeans, stayed on earth with no government whatsoever.

The best part about Jarican was that humans could live on it without special equipment. People could farm, hunt, and drink the water. But also, the planet Jarican was truly beautiful, with its' green skies, and blue grass. The atmosphere had more oxygen in it than earth's, which was more fire-prone but refreshing. And the flowers. Oh, the flowers were just beautiful. Some had three big petals that looked and felt like velvet, and others had so many microscopic petals that it looked like only three were there. There were no deserts, and the weather was scheduled. There were no hurricanes, tornados, tsunamis, nothing. Every Tuesday and Thursday it would rain, or in the winter, snow. When it snowed it was marvelous. Every small delicate flake sticking to the bare tree branches that were so spread out and long. In the spring everything bloomed in April, and it was beautiful until the leaves fell off again in October.

Now, why wouldn't everyone go there if it were so beautiful? Well, it took a lot of guts to pack up your stuff, leave your home, and never even come back to the same planet. Being on a different planet gives you a new feeling that you'll never get used to. It's also too dangerous to go there on vacation for only a week or two, because of a number of reasons. Traveling to another galaxy in space takes at least a week and it's about a 70% success rate. Also, there is a chemical in the air that we can't be without once we get it. The name of the chemical is gluricin, which is highly addictive and we don't even feel it gone unless you come back to earth when it kills you. It's no wonder that's the planet the Russians chose.

Within a week on Earth, it was like the war never ended. People killing, stealing, and raping other people, without any police to stop them. There was a private company that you could hire to help "teach them a lesson" but it was never the same. The damage had been done. No rough guy with a big fist could change that.

In Jarican, it wasn't any better. The same happened, just by the government. This time there are no private companies. No one could live the past theory of the "American Dream". You were assigned a job and a wage. At sixteen, you would get an assigned job for a couple hours after school, weekends, and in the summer. When you graduated high school, you got a full time job. Kids even had to apply to run their own lemonade stand. The only reason the government let them do this was to teach them taxes, which were at a whopping 75%.

Everyone thought the other planet was better. Everyone thought it was normal to live that way. Everyone tried to go with the flow, keep their head down so they wouldn't be noticed. Until now.

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