Chapter 3- Jarican

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////Above: Picture of Chryssy////

            After school I rode the bus home. I unlocked the front door and stepped inside.

"Mom! I'm home!" No answer. She's probably at the store. I find a note on the counter.


Going grocery shopping

and going out to dinner with Abby,

Be home around 8:30.


Great, I'll be alone for five hours. This actually is great. I went to call Hadrian.


"Hey, I need you to came over."

"Why, what happened?"

"Nothing, I need some company."

"Oh. Is your mom out?"

"Yeah she went out to dinner, and you know how slow she eats."

"I'll be over in about... half an hour?"

"That works. Thanks."

"No prob."

I hung up. I feel so lucky to have a friend so, I don't know, sweet, gorgeous, funny, and overall, amazing. I know, I know. He's not even my boyfriend technically. But trust me, I've fantasized. Enough droning on. I have homework to do.

I run up the stairs to my room and plopped down in my desk. I took my science out. I hate science. I like the general idea of finding out how the world works, but plants aren't my thing. Which is weird considering I'm named after one.

Chrysanthemum Alice Dayton. My full name. Mom wanted me to be named after a beauty from her homeland. She says that the chrysanthemum was a beautiful flower on earth, or, still is. She doesn't bring up earth very often. It's a sensitive subject at our house.

From what I know, Dad's dead. Mom says they were married. They lived a happy life for two years on earth together. Then Mom discovered a little surprise called an embryo inside of her. They were both overjoyed, but eight weeks in, Dad was cut into tiny pieces by a psychopath, and died on the spot (insert crying mom here). She never really got into detail. Then Mom realized how dangerous it was to live on earth and booked the first launch after the funeral to Jarican. She claimed that no mother could ever put her child at that high of a risk, even if it meant less freedom.

I looked at the clock. Hadrian would be here in eighteen minutes. I had to get to work. I started watching my hologram, but dozed of in the first five minutes.

Knock! knock! knock!

I abruptly woke up. It was Hadrian. I ran to the mirror, tripping on the way there. I scrambled to get back up. I looked in the mirror. Holy snizballs. I look like a citipus just found a new home inside my hair.

Knock! knock! knock!

Uh, oh. I ran a quick brush through my hair. Better. Correction, decent. I ran down the stairs, only to fall again. I could see Hadrian looking through the window. Ouch. I stood up. Dusted off (it was mainly just for effect, I clean every week), and opened the door.

"Quite a tumble you got there. You okay?" He asked with that bright smile of his.

"Yeah, I'm fine, really. It's been an off day," I told him with a straight face. I didn't tell him I was having an off day because I was thinking about him 32/7. I always get the butterflies after he leaves. But when he's here, I'm fine. This is the only crush I've had that's like that. It also affects me physically too. I'm off balance (obviously), I have really bad word retrieval, I mix up similar words, I'm tired, and I get either really hot, or really cold. That's just how I am with him. Is that normal?

"I get it. It was a weird day for me too," He replied. He put his hand on the back on his neck and looked at his feet. Oh. My. God. Did he feel the same way? Was this relationship meant to be? WAS I GOING TO BE DEEMED MRS. HADRIAN LOIUS ONE DAY?! Okay, calm down. Shut the fantasy off. Take a deep breath.

"Maybe it's the weather?" I shrugged. He nodded, but I think we both knew it wasn't the weather.


We went up to my room. No, nothing physical happened, he didn't pronounce his unconditional love for me. We just sat on my bed and talked. We started out playing go fish, but we got so wrapped up in conversation that we forgot about it all. I have to say, he's not like any other guys I've met before.

"So I was biking down this hill in Donnison. Before I knew it I was going down this thing. It was the steepest hill I've seen. I was going so fast, and then there was a bush."

"Wups. How many bones?" He held up three fingers. "Yikes. Which ones?"

"My left arm, my collarbone, and my pinkie."

"Oh no!" I said sarcastically. "Your poor wittle pinkie finger. Did your mommy have to kiss it for you?" I made a pouty face.

He quieted, "Maybe."

I laughed. It was silent for a minute.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Shoot," I added "But, I can't tell you any government secrets or else I'd have to kill you."

He laughed. "What do you want to do when you get older? I mean, I know the government assigns us jobs but if you could do anything, what would it be?"

I knew the answer right away. But I've only heard legends about people who do what I love for a living. I knew I could be honest with him.

"I want to be a musician."

"I think I've heard stories about people like that. Isn't that when you sing songs and people pay you?"

"Well, I think it's more than just that. You have to play two or three instruments, write songs for those instruments, and get people to pay you money for it. That's the business side of it."

"What do you mean by the business side?"

"Well not everything is black and white. You have to have passion, and be devoted. You have to use music as a way for your soul to be translated for others to hear."

He was nodding now, "Hmm. Cool. Do you play anything?"

"Yeah. I play guitar, but I'm not very good. Not that it matters. I'm never going to play for people anyway. Just because the government doesn't think music adds to society," I folded my arms.

"Would you play for me? Please."

I hesitated. I didn't want to, but that smile was so, so, I can't explain it. I'd have to write a song.

"I guess so," I grabbed my busted up guitar in the corner. I couldn't spend that much money on a guitar so I got Mr. Cheapo over here. I sat down on the corner of the bed.

"Here goes nothing," I said under my breath as I put my fingers in a C. I played and he listened all night until Mom got home.

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