Chapter 12- Earth

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////Above: Jerry////

"Dad, what was that?!" I asked him early the next morning. I couldn't sleep after what happened. I'm guessing he couldn't, either.

"Tommi, let me explain."

"Why do you think we're here? So you can explain. Go on. Enlighten me on how you got involved with three shady guys in a back alley."

"Well, it all started when Adam showed up on our doorstep. You were little, do you remember that?" I nodded, "While you were admiring him, I made a phone call."

"I remember that. After you hung up, you said he was ours."

"I called the men you saw. They call themselves the doorknobs," I laughed a little, "I know. I guess the point of that was if people talked about them, they would sound crazy. For example, 'Did you hear the doorknobs robbed another bank?'. Sounds crazy, right? Anyway, I called them to see if I could get a loan. Your brother's lucky he was cute because he was expensive. I didn't call a bank because we had bad credit. Once we agreed, he was ours. I know I could have called around town to try to find someone to take him, but I've always wanted a little boy to raise into a man. After your mother died, I gave up on that dream. Then, Adam came. I was so happy. You were too."

"Why are you still involved with them?" I asked. I knew there was more to this story.

"The interest was more than the original loan. I couldn't find a job to pay them back. That's when I had to take you out of school. They threatened to take your brother away if I didn't pay. I couldn't let that happen. So, instead they cut of my arm as payment. I'm not sure how they profited from that investment, but I got to keep the both of you."

Wow. I was in awe of the whole story, but mainly Dad's love for us. Now would have been a good time to wrap my arms around him, cry, and tell him I love him too. I wanted to. But I had one more question.

"You got your arm cut off years ago. Why are you still involved with them?"

"I can't tell you," He said with sorrow in his eyes. What?! You can't just leave me hanging?

"You can't, or you won't?" I shot at him.

He hesitated, "I can't. They'll kill you if you know."

That helps. Thanks a ton, Dad. I'll just continue with my everyday life and not worry about the doorknobs one bit.

"Don't tell a word of this to your brother. He's probably suspicious."

"Last night he asked me why we needed the money and I told him we were building an emergency account. In case something bad happens, we're covered. He seemed pretty happy with it."

He took a deep breath, "That's good. If he asked where we were, tell him I was helping you mow and weed whack."

"Got it," I confirmed, "He knows about the résumé we sent in."

"He does? How?"

"He overheard us talking. He got an interview!"

"That's great! Does he think he got it?"

I nodded, "He also met a girl."

"Oh man, he's growing up fast. A job and a girlfriend in one day."

"Neither one's for sure."

"Of course. I got excited for my little man."

I rolled my eyes, "No. Really?"

"You'll understand when you have kids. But that won't be for a while," He cautioned. Always over protective, that's my Dad. He wasn't that way with Adam. It must be because I'm his little girl.

"Of course not, Dad. I've never even had a boyfriend."

"Just wait, honey. One day there will be a lad that will sweep you off your feet."

"Lad? Really Dad? Did your inner Irishman came out for a moment there?"

"I like to try new words. But really, you'll fall in love someday."

I knew he was right, but I had trouble imagining someone who blushed when I talked to him. Someone who would do anything just to have dinner with me. Someone who thinks I'm the most beautiful thing that has ever graced the planet. I didn't dwell on it, because I knew I would get depressed and over emotional. Yes, it was almost that time of the month, which never helps.

"Earth to Tommi," Dad waved his hand in front of my face, "You in there?" I must've spaced out.

"Yeah Dad, just thinking."

"Well, I think I'm going to try to get some shut eye."

"Me too."

With that, we both headed upstairs to bed. I couldn't stop thinking about what Dad said, about true love. I knew it was out there, I least I thought it was. The only guy I've talked to since I dropped out of school and aren't Dad and Adam, is Tommy. I don't like him like that, though. Yeah, when I met him we held hands, but I think that was because I actually saw a boy who wasn't, a bratty kid, a bratty kid's father or related to me. Now, I'm just glad to have a friend. Maybe I'll develop a crush on him later, but now I'm good as pals.

I felt my phone go off in my pocket. It was a text from Tommi.

Will you go to dinner with me on Friday?


Was this a date? Did he like me that way? What would happen to our friendship if we dated and broke up? Would I lose the only friend I've ever had? I texted him back.



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