Chapter 7-Jarican

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                  \\\\Above: Picture of Lana////

It was study hall when my teacher got the message.

            "Chryssy, go up to student services."

            "Ooooooo," The class said in unison like always.

            I got my stuff and went up to student services like I was told. Oh God, what could it be? I thought it was probably a schedule change or something of that nature. I've always been a goody two shoes so I never get in trouble. When I got there, my attitude changed. I wasn't the only one there.

            "Mrs. Brookes, what did you need me for?"

            "Sit. Down. Now."

            I sat down straight away and kept my mouth shut. And then I saw Rachel walk in.

            She rolled her eyes, "This better be important."

            Mrs. Brookes wouldn't take that, "Hello to you too. Sit down next to Chryssy. Now."

            "This is ridiculous. I didn't do it!" Rachel exclaimed with her arms crossed.

            Mrs. Brookes' face turned soft in a scary way, "What did you not do dear?"

            "I didn't TP your house!" She looked at me, then back at the dean, "Busted."

            "Yep. We'll talk about that later. The matter at hand is that Ms. Chryssy here has been up to some naughty business."

            My mouth dropped wide open, "You don't mean, you can't just, it never, huh?"

            Rachel smirked, "What she means shrimp face, is that you did the dirty underage."

            "What the hell?!?"


            "Sorry for cussing Mrs. Brookes, but I never did anything! What gave this idea?" I looked at Rachel, "You lying deceitful conniving little prissy affenkraut monkey cabbage!" I smacked her.

            Both of their eyes grew huge and angry.

            "Ms. Chryssy! Because of your good record you were going to get a light punishment. You proved today you deserve something more severe. Much more severe."

            "You're not even going to hear me out?"

            "I've 'heard' enough."

            "How does it feel?" Rachel asked with an evil grin.

            "How does what feel?"

            "Being thrown under the bus without anyone giving a-"

            "Rachel!" Mrs. Brookes stopped her from even more profanity.

            "You, you can't do this! I'll sue! Just let me explain!"

            The dean threw her head back and laughed, "You see? I don't have to hear you, and you can't sue. Win-win for me, and sucks to be you. Ms. Chryssy, I'll see you in detention until the end of the school year."


            "No buts missy. You're lucky I don't send you to prison for the crime you've committed. Now get back to class."

            I started to grab my stuff, but then I realized why should I?


            "What did you just say to me?"


            "Get back to class or else I'll-"

            "You'll what?"        

            "I'll... I'll..."

            "See? You've already got me in detention for the rest of the year. You can't expel me anymore after the government abolished it. The only thing you can do is sit here and yell at me."

            "No. I can do more than just that," She grabbed the meter stick in the corner. Rachel gave me this look like I'm crazy. And she might be right, but today I'm not backing down.

            "Go ahead. I don't care. I should be free to do whatever I wish. If only I was on Earth."

            That's when I blacked out.


            "Blood pressure normal."


            "77 bpm"

            "Send the mother in."

            The next thing I knew my mother came in crying.

            "Mom?" My voice was raspy, but at least I could talk. I was still a little drugged, "What happened?"

            "Oh Chryssy! Thank God! Are you feeling okay?"

            "Mom, I just woke up in a strange place with my mother hysterical and doctors all around me. I'm a little confused."

            "Hey! I'm a PA," The lady by the machine looked ticked.

            "Excuse me," I said sarcastically, "Mom. What happened?"

            "Are you in any pain?"


            "Okay, okay. Apparently the ceiling fan fell down right on top of you. The doctor said one of the wood panels stabbed you in the gut and they had to perform a surgery to stop the bleeding."


            "Please don't yell honey. And there's more."

            "More?" She nodded, "Fun."

            "When the doctors were fishing around your guts they discovered something," She paused.

            "Mom, you can't just leave me hanging. What happened?"

            She sniffed, "You have a tumor."


            "You have a tumor in your uterus. The doctors couldn't take it out at the time but you're going back to the OR in two days. They say it's pretty big. But, don't worry. You're going to live like a normal kid again in a month or two."

            I was so overwhelmed and had so many questions; I just froze.

            "Honey, don't worry I'll be right here beside you every step of the way."

            I gulped, "Mom, could I talk to the doctor for a second."

            "Sure thing. I'll go get him."

            It was about ten minutes before he came. So. Many. Questions. How long have I had the tumor? Was the operation successful? Really, a ceiling fan? That's the best she could come up with? Mrs. Brookes? She did this to me? Why is that witch trusted with children everyday? What did she do to me? Why was this the answer? How long will it be before I go home? What did Mom mean "a month or two"? How long have I been here? What day is it? What happened to Hadrian? Did he get in trouble too? My mind just kept racing. After what seemed like forever, the doctor came in. But instead of being the A to my Q be walked right past me and talked the PA. She nodded and he walked over to me.  

            "Everything will be fine. Just dream."

            My eyes got heavy and my questions were buried deep inside my mind, only to be answered when I awoke.

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