Chapter 5-Jarican

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////Above: Picture of Hadrian////

            Beep beep beep beeeeeeeep. Beep beep beep beeeeeeeep.

            I hit the alarm. Another day to tackle. Oh boy. I sat up in bed and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. What should I wear? I decided on my blue polo and a pair of khaki capris.           I hate the dress code.

            After I got dressed, I went downstairs for breakfast. I ate some leftover spaghetti for breakfast and then went back up to put on make-up and brush my teeth. Then I went out to the bus.

            I hate the bus. In what could take me twenty feros, takes seventy. Oh, and don't forget the obnoxious seniors who think they're better than everybody else. Even worse are the juniors and sophomores who are real butt kissers just so they can be "cool". What does that mean anyway? If it means you don't care about anything including your own future, then why is it supposed to be a good thing?

            I just rolled my eyes and stuck my earchips in. I felt the acoustic guitar massage my brain. The chords and scales were floating together in beautiful harmony. I know that sounds cheesy, but I really love the guitar.

            Before I knew it we pulled up at hell, I mean school. I walked to my locker, got my stuff, and went to social studies. Lana came up and slumped into her chair right beside me.

            "Uhh," She groaned.

            "Didn't get much sleep last night I presume?"

            "What's new?"

            Here's the thing about Lana. She's REALLY funny. She's also a really good friend, but as you may have noticed, she's not a morning person. It takes her until about fourth period to get to the point of normal human function. Despite this, she still gets everywhere early.

            "So I heard that Hadrian came over last night."

            "How did you know about that?!?" I wasn't going to deny it, she is my best friend after all. The thing that bugged me was that I never toldher.

            "I think you know how I know."

            "Don't tell me."

            She nodded.

            "Rachel." She kept nodding.

            Rachel is the most dramatic girl you'll ever meet, and I have the honor to have six out of ten classes with her. She always acts really dumb just to get guy's attention. Another way she gets their attention is crop tops in winter despite the dress code. She's obsessed with the latest social networking site and pretty much hates me. The hatred is caused by the fact that I don't play her game of putting her on a pedestal, wearing my hair a certain way just to get "friends", and going off and on with a guy 47 times. That's right, I counted out of boredom. Oh, and don't forget losing your virginity in middle school.

            "How did she know? And how did she tell you?"

            "She texted me that she saw him walk out of your house with his shirt on backwards and lipstick on his face."

            "Whoa there. Back up. First, how did she have your number? Second, how did she see him walk out? She lives on the other side of town! Third, that didn't happen. You would be the first to know if it did. All we did was hang out, I swear."

            "Would you like your answers in a form of an essay?"


            She laughed, "Ok Miss Inquisitive. One, I used to be friends with Kylie before she turned to the dark side. She must have given it to Rachel. Two, I asked her why she was there and she said she was taking her dog for a walk."

            "Mmhm. Great story."

            "I know right? Pathetic. At least make it funny, like," She changed her voice like Rachel's and twirled her hair, "Well, like, there were these sqeaklers, and like, they totally ate my brother's pants, so like, we like, had to leave home, and like, I was staying under, like, the guerry tree, so like, yeah."

            I stood up and applauded, "Bravo! Bravo! Encore!"

            She bowed, "Thank you, thank you. I'll be here all week."

            We laughed, "You sure nothing happened between you two?" She quickly raised her eyebrows and put them down again and the cycle kept going for effect.

            "Really, nothing happened. I mean, not in that way."

            She leaned foreword, a lot more awake now, "Elaborate."

            I blushed, "I think he likes me."

            She leaned back uninterested, "Chryssy, did he come straight out and verbally tell you?"

            "No, but-"

            "Come on girl. We've been over this. Just because a guy treats you 'different' doesn't mean he likes you."

            "This is different Lana."

            "That's what you've been saying the past four times."

            "But he blushed, and had an interest in me, and-"

            "I wouldn't count on it matchmaker. You never know. Especially with the cursed hormones."


            And then the bell rang.

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