Chapter 10- Earth

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////above: picture of Frank////
"Does it look like I'm a holy man, sweetheart?" The boss man replied.

            I started shaking, "Well, sir, uh, the question is if you are willing to, uh, accept Jesus-"

            The boss looked at the other two men, "Put her in the back."

            No no no no no no no no no no. This can't be happening. I looked in Frank's eyes, trying to find a soft spot. Not a speck of sympathy could be found. The big man next to Frank scooped me up and threw me over his shoulder. I didn't dare put up a fight; that'll make it worse. He took me to a room next to the bathroom while Frank followed.

            The room's north wall was filled with vaults. Gun vaults. The opposite wall had several computers and techno equipment. These were much more advanced than the ones I've seen. The whole room reeked with a smell of meth. The man shoved me into the closet, which was half filled with ammo.

            "The big man don't like visitors. Especially do-gooders," Frank lectured.

            "Go on Frankie Boy. I'll take it from here. If you know what I mean." The man moved his eyebrows up and down.

            Oh my God. Does he want to- Is he really gonna- No he wouldn't. Would he? AM I GOING TO BE RAPED?!?!

            "Oh, I see. Have fun," Frank winked, walked out of the room, and closed the door.

            "Oh no. You can't touch me! I have AIDS! You don't want to rape me!" I yelled. Looking back that was a pretty bad testimony. I don't really have AIDS, and it's not threating anymore.

            "Shhh. Relax. I'm not going to hurt you."

            "That's exactly what a pedophile would say!"

            "No, really. I want to help you stay alive. And a virgin."

            "How do you know?! That's so-"

            "Embarrassing I know. I was in the same boat as you when I was your age. Now listen." He seemed like a different person. A very peaceful person. I was still suspicious.

            "Listen to what?"

            "I'll start from the top. My name is Jerry. I work for the boss, Gene, with my cousin, Frankie. The problem is, I don't believe in this whole business. The evil authority figure thing goes against every thing I believe in,"

            "Why can't you quit?"

            He took a deep breath, "I'm gonna be straight with you kid. Gene is my uncle. When I was ten, he killed my father because he never believed in this either. Then he raped my mother, and let her live on one condition. I forever work for him. I haven't seen my mother since." He had few tears dripping down his face, but they were there.

            "I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have asked."

            He sniffed, "It's okay. I'm trying to get past it. Day by day I try to forget more and more..." Awkward. How do you deal with this?

            I tried my best, "Here, let's change the subject."

            He wiped his tears, "Okay."

            "Um, can you help me get out of the shady house's ammo closet?"

            "Oh, yeah. Sorry. I got side tracked," I noticed, "There's a back door right through-" He walked over to the right of the gun wall and smacked it. A door opened right where he hit it, "Here." Jerry motioned to the door.

            "Thanks. Really, thank you. One question."

            "Ask way."

            "Why did you tell me all that?"

            He took a deep breath, "I guess needed to talk to someone; just vent without interruption or beating. Or judgment. So much judgment."

            "Look, I get it Jerry. Thank you for not raping me."

            He smirked, "Anytime."


            When I got home I was out of breath from running. Oh, shoot. I forgot the mower. Screw it. I'll get a new one. I'm not going back there.

            "Tommi!" Adam called for me. He was upstairs.

            "What?!" I yelled back.

            "Come here!"

            I hrmphed and went upstairs to Adam's room, "What is it buddy?"

            He was sitting cross-legged on his bed. He patted a spot next to him, inviting me to do the same. I sat down beside him and waited.

            He took a deep breath, "So there's this girl..."

            Oh boy. I knew this day would come sooner or later, "Go on."

            "Her name's Sophie and..."

            "Go on. Tell me all about her, and don't hold back. I'm not judging."

            "She has dark brown hair, almost black, and ice blue eyes."


            "She's really nice, but she won't take any sass from anyone. She's really creative, but also really smart. Her family has a lot of money, but she still likes me."

            "She sounds cool. Where did you meet her?"

            "I meet her at my interview."

            "What interview?!"

            "You know, the one you and Dad applied me for without telling me."

            My mind was a little disoriented. He got the interview! That's great! But he knows he did something behind his back. Which isn't as great.

            "Well, how did the interview go?" I asked him.

            He gave me the look that said "Really?".

            "Come on! We didn't want you to miss an opportunity but we didn't want you to get hurt."

            "Okay, but please don't do that again."

            "I won't. How'd the interview go?"

            He smiled, "It went great. I'm exactly want they want. I'm pretty sure I got the job."

            "Adam that's great!" I hugged him real tight.

            "Tommi?" He asked.


            "I've been looking at our bills and our books and it doesn't seem like we need that much more money."

            Hmm. This was a tough one. What do I tell him? I shouldn't tell him that our father has been taking out loans from murderers in a back alley.

            "We need some same money in case something bad happens. We have to be safe with all the crime going on."

            "Okay," He answered. He seemed satisfied with the answer as I tucked him into bed, wondering how long it'll last.

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