Chapter 2

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Ayesha's Pov

After dinner, I started washing the dishes. Tears couldn't stop falling from my eyes. What if he doesn't want to marry me, what if I am not what he wants in a woman. Why do my parents hate me so much?

After I was done washing the dishes I was about to read maghrib prayer but I heard the main door open. I saw Rabeeah come in. Where has she been? It is so late.

"Sallam why are you late?" I asked not wanting to sound rude.

"Get out of my face. I don't have to tell you everything, go get my food ready" she said rudely.

I didn't say anything and just did as she told me. No one in the house listened to me anyway. After I was done I went to my room changed into comfortable clothes and studied until Isha. after reading Isha I sat on the mattress that was set out on the floor. I took out my blanket set it on the mattress. Why me Allah I thought. A  tear slipped down my face.


"Mama, please stop, I'll do anything please I'm sorry I won't ever embarrass you I won't do anything that you don't like, just please stop"

She stopped hitting me.

I couldn't breathe. Everything was blurry. I shouldn't have gone. I shouldn't have said no. There was a proposal but I said no without even thinking. The guy was marrying me for his work he didn't care about me all he cared was his work.

That night I was going to my room when I heard mama and papa speaking to each other.

"Kamran what am I gonna do I didn't want her,  I am stuck with her. Please do something, I can't stand her. Every time I see her I want t-"

"Love don't worry she was a mistake. We needed a son, not a daughter that is a disgrace to our family. I will do something. I will make sure that she never returns when she leaves.

That's when I broke down but a second later wiped my tears away. Why cry when no one cares. Who am I showing emotions to when there is no one there.

Flashback over 

Aayan pov

I can't even understand why they just said yes. I don't even know how the girl looks, what her personality is like. I was going to tell ami (mom) that I liked a girl already. She was one of my sister's friends. She is older than Aliyah and is a practicing Muslim. She was something that I wanted in a wife. But I don't want to say no right away. I will go next week and meet this Ayesha and if I don't like her then I'm saying no.

I woke up for fajr. After reading fajr, I read Quran for an hour and got ready to go to work. I drove to work and sat in my office. I couldn't stop thinking about the proposal and if I should just say no right now.

 I heard a knock on the door, I turned my head toward the door seeing it was my assistant, Imran.

"Sorry sir, your father is calling you into his office" with that Imran left.

I got up  and made my way to the top floor.

I knocked on the door firmly. 

"come in" Papa looked up at me and then went back to his laptop

Aayan we are going to leave tomorrow to Canada to see Ayesha and we are staying there for a week, is that okay?" He looked at me.

"Yes, that's fine" I didn't know what to say. I guess that I would have to see her at least once.

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