Chapter 13

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Aayan's home at the top

Previous Chapter:

"Our shows are way better" Aayan placed his head on my lap and laid down. I starting running my hands through his hair. His hair was soft and silky, I couldn't stop. Aayan closed the tv and laid there staring at the ceiling.

"What ya thinking," I asked

"Thinking how I was granted such a beautiful simple wife" I was confused, what did he mean by simple. I kept running my hand through his hair and he eventually went to sleep. I didn't want to disturb him so I made myself comfortable and went to sleep as well.

Ayesha pov

I woke up the next day at six in the evening, I didn't know how I slept that late but I did. When I realised that Aayan wasn't with me I went to the sitting area seeing lunch and a note beside it.

sallam babe, I went ut to do some errands, I got you lunch, I already ate so eat, I'll be back at 7.  Be ready we are gonna leave right away when I come. Enjoy:))))))

I laughed at his smiley face. I opened the food it still warm. I finished my food and packed the last couple of things  in my bag and carried mine and Aayans bag to the door. I was bored so I sat on the bed and played some games.

"Ayeshaaaa" Aayan called 

"G coming" I said getting up. 

"assalamualaikum" Aayan kissed my forehead "shall we leave" 


Aayan moved back and bumped into the suitcases.

"Who put these here," Aayan asked 

"I did" I replied

"you didn't have to and never again will you" Aayan grabbed my hand and made our way to the airport. 


The flight was good considering the fact I was in first class. When we got  to London Aayan's home was an hour away. I was really tired of traveling. When we got to Aayan's home I was surprised, his house was big, It was bigger than my house. The gate opened to his house and I saw Aliyah, ami and Abu  and I think I see Hamna and her family and beside her, I saw who I think is Aayan's brother and sister in law. standing there with bouquets in their hands. 

"welcome Love to our house" Aayan whispered in my ear I smiled.

I got out of the car and stood there waiting for Aayan to come out. He held my hand and lead the way to the door.

"Finally, you're here" Aaliyah screamed and hugged the life out of me. 

"It's only been one day" I gasped 

I greeted everyone else. Ami introduced me to Hamna's dad and her brothers, they were really nice. I met Eman Aayan's sister in law and Usman Bhai. 

I was incredibly tired, I wasn't in the mood to eat but ami didn't let me leave till I ate. 

"So Little bro call hamai  naseeb nahi hoi Shaadi kai baad" Usman bahi said. 

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