Chapter 20

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Previous chapter:

"Can we talk?" Aayan asked

"There's nothing to talk about" I replied

"You heard half of the conversation and this has happened almost everytime you should stay longer to hear all of it" he said sitting beside me. He took the pen out my hand.

"give the pen back" I whined

"Not until you listen"

"Fine speak"

"She is the one who needed to speak to me. I had no clue why and when she said the stuff before you left, She knew you were there, You know what I felt towards her and you know that I love you, I told her to back off , she is someone different now. I promise to stop her from interfering in our lives" Aayan said holding my hands.

"did you love her?" I asked

"I loved her before knowing you and she was someone different back then, Now you are the only person I love" he replied.

"Okay," I had nothing else to say. I trust Aayan and I'm going to believe that he is saying the truth.

Ayesha pov

It's been 6 months since I've started university again. Abu has spoken to Aayan about him taking over the business because he was getting too old to continue. Aayan agreed to it right away so now he's home later. We haven't spent much time together much. When he comes home I'm studying and handing in notes which leaves me no time to spend with Aayan and if I do have the time he is working.

Eman bahbi and Usman bahi are busy too, They are moving again in a couple of months closer to Usman bahi's work. I now have a break for 2 weeks. I want to do something for Aayan cause his birthday is in a couple of days. Every time I try to talk to him he doesn't pay attention.

It was 6pm so I was watching downtown abbey in my room. I never thought English shows can be that interesting.

I heard the door open to the bedroom, I jumped cause of the loud sound.

"assalamualaikum love" Aayan greeted making his way to the left side of the bed where I was sitting.

"waalaikumsalam  how was your day?" I asked as Aayan placed a kiss on my cheek.

"It was fine." He walked to the sofa removing his shoes. I got up and sat beside him.

"I'll go get dinner" I put a hand on his thigh getting up.

"No don't we are going to go out for dinner just you and me" He grabbed my hand and kissed the top.

"You're probably tired, We don't have to -"

"Ayesha we have been so busy we need to spend time together, let's go out"

I nodded and sat right back down resting my head on his shoulder. He kissed the top of my head.

"Why don't you get ready and then we'll leave" Aayan suggested. "Okay," I got up going into the closet picking something to wear. I didn't know what to wear If it should be something casual or abaya. I've never had this problem in my life.

I felt a pair of hands on my waist, Which gave me butterflies. Aayan moved his hand up and down my waist.

"Having trouble?" Aayan asked

"yep," Aayan let go of my waist and stood beside me. He picked a dress that was dark blue, it had floral prints on the bottom of the dress and the sleeves. He passed it to me and went over to the scarf shelf I smiled. He picked a white scarf which matched the floral prints.

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