Chapter 3

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Ayesha's Pov

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"Ayesha say sallam" mama whispered in my ear.

"Assa-ll amu- alaikum" I couldn't speak. Great. I sat beside Rabeeha. "Walaikum assalam how are you?" The old man said.

"Alhumdulillah" I kept playing with my fingers. I couldn't stop.

I should have asked how they were, but nothing was coming out. I wanted to look around the room one more time I don't know why but I just did.

"beta Ayesha your father came to us with a proposal but we can't just say yes. we wanted to know how you were like, I haven't seen you in years, you seem like great women for my son"  the old men said, I'm guessing that is  Aayan's father, my soon to be father in law. 

"G thank you uncle" is all I could say.

"Aayan beta do you have any questions for Ayesha," the father asked.

That is when I looked up at where everyone was staring. Aayan was looking straight at me, his eyes were the only thing that I was paying attention to. His eyes were dark brown and sparkled in the light. 

"Yes I do" Aayan said. He had a deep but sexy voice I had to admit. I released what I was doing and lowered my gaze quickly. I was blushing really hard.

"Than why don't we leave you two alone for a couple of minutes," the father said getting. Everyone else got up with him and left the room. I felt  someone nudge me in my arm, I knew it was Rabeeah so I didn't look up. 

The door closed to the back yard.

"sallam how are you?" Aayan said with no emotion 

"Walaikum assalam alhumdulliah you?" I toke a deep breath in to calm my fast beating heart.

"alhamdullilah. what are you studying in university?"

"International law"

"That's interesting. Look I don't know you but you seem like a very nice person and you know I can't just say yes to someone that I don't know so I do have questions for you if you don't mind"

"Go on" I can't screw this up if I do it won't end well.

"Do you read all the prayers without anyone asking you. I sometimes need help waking up for fajr namaz" He asked moving to the couch that was near me. My heart was beating soo fast.

"I do read all the prayers, I won't mind waking anyone up for fajr prayer. Usually, after fajr prayer, I read Quran and sometimes after maghrib prayer aswell" I replied confidently, I honestly won't mind waking him up cause I already wake Rabeeah up for fajr.

"That's really good habit, I read the Quran after fajr prayer as well. What are your goals in this life?" 

"My overall goal is to become a better Muslimah" I was answering this one honestly I did want to become a better Muslim all I have is Allah, I look up to him for help. He is only one that listens to me. 

"Mashallah, my last question is what are you looking for in a husband?" locking his eyes with mine.

"I would like him to be religious, I would like him to lead me to Jannah and help me to become a better Muslimah and to care about me and most importantly listen to me I don't ask for much. I look at what is inside not what is outside. " I broke our eye contact I felt tears in mine. I tried my hardest to hold them back.  

"I will try to fulfill those. Do you have questions for me?" He asked calmly 

"I do"

"ask away" I couldn't get enough of his voice. 

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