Chapter 18

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I put an alarm for 6:30 for me to wake up, I changed into comfy clothes and went to read Quran, I didn't get to read the Quran during fajr because of Aayan he was to tired to stay up and forced me to sleep with him. I heard my phone buzzing, I closed the Quran and placed it on the shelf, I grabbed my phone seeing an unknown number from Canada. I panicked, Who could it be, I had Iman's number and mama and papa would never call. The phone kept buzzing, I suddenly felt a hand on my arm.

"Who is it" Aayan groaned

"I'm sorry I woke you up," I said staring at my phone

"It's fine, I had to wake up in a couple of minutes anyway. Ayesha pick the phone up" Aayan yawned

"It's from Canada" I whispered. Aayan shot up

"Pick it up and put it on speaker" Aayan commanded I nodded

"Hello," I hesitantly said

"assalamualaikum Ayesha" I looked at Aayan, I didn't know who it was, I couldn't recognize the voice.

"Waalaikumsalam, Um who is this" I saw Aayan carefully listening leaning on my shoulder.

"Ayesha it's me Ahmed" Ahmed exclaimed

"Ahmed, How are you? Everything alright" I asked, I was shocked he told me that he wouldn't call.

"alhamdullilah, I was out doing errands so I thought to call you, Iman gave me the number" Ahmed explained, Aayan calmed down a bit.

"That's nice everything is fine right?" I asked

"Actually, Ayesha we are leaving Canada to Australia, I don't want to go but papa hasn't been listening to anyone, and it's because of Rabeeah she well she's been having a secret relationship and papa found out so now he toke this huge decision" Ahmed explained, My eyes grew wide, She wouldn't like how. Aayan looked over at the clock.

"Ahmed, I'm shocked, I want to speak more about this but I have to go," I said

"Okay pay my salam to Aayan Bahi"

"I will Allah hafiz"

"Allah hafiz"

Aayan got up, going to the closet. I was quite still processing the information.

"Ayesha, did you know?" Aayan asked from the closet. I walked over to the closet and helped him take out his clothes.


"It's going to be fine," Aayan said kissing my forehead. I pushed him towards the washroom.

"You're getting late"

"hmm okay" I went downstairs to prepare breakfast, Anum was already there but I stopped her from cooking, I wanted to cook for once in this house.

"Ayesha kitchen se niklo" Ami commanded

"Ami, I want to cook, If it's fine," I asked

"Beta, I feel bad that you're are doing chores"

"Ami it's okay" I placed the toast on the plate and told Anum to place it on the table. I was used to this and everyone here doesn't even eat much.

"assalamualaikum" Uncle came down kissing Ami on the forehead he came over and kissed my head.

"waalaikumsalam," I Said

"you are cooking" uncle asked

"G" Abu smiled

"Where is this Aayan?" Uncle asked sitting on the chair.

"He should be comi-" I got cut off by Aayan coming.


"waalaikumsalam" everyone replied in unison.

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