Chapter 15

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"Anum where is everybody?" I asked

"They are all gone for a walk" Anum replied cooking an omelet

"would sir want breakfast," Anum asked

"Um... yes make him some" I said

"how long have you worked as a maid"

"for around 10 years my parents died when I was young so this was the only offer I was getting, I had to make money for my little brother so I worked it's been years now, They treat very nicely"

"so are you okay now"

"Yes I am,"

"give me the tray I'll take it upstairs," I said grabbing the tray out of her hands and walking upstairs. I opened the door seeing Aayan pacing back and forth.

Ayesha pov

I carefully placed the tray on the table and walked over to Aayan and hugged his back. "Breakfast is ready" I murmured. Aayan removed my arms from his waist and walked over to the table. I was a bit shocked but I shrugged it off. I walked over and put in some tea for him.

"Eat" Aayan commanded moving the plate in front of me.

"Aayan what's wrong?" I asked concerned he wasn't being himself.

"Nothing, please eat"

"Aayan I am not going to eat unless you tell me what's going on! I know it's about mama and papa"

"WHEN I SAY NOTHING, I MEAN IT" Aayan yelled throwing the glass on the floor. There were pieces of glass everywhere.

Aayan  got up and left the room  without eating breakfast. I ate my breakfast and started cleaning the pieces of glass everywhere.  I was worried that he hadn't had his breakfast. 

I suddenly felt something sharp go into my foot. I stood up and limped to the couch. There was glass stuck in my foot, It was hurting a lot, enough to make tears come out. 

"Anum" I called out, There was no way I was going to pull the glass out.

"Anum" I yelled louder. Still no one then I heard someone coming in I turned around seeing Anum finally here. Her eyes grew wide at the sight she seeing.

"Ayesha what happened here?" Anum said gasping. She walked over to me. 

"AYESHA" Anum yelled looking at a big piece of glass stuck in my foot. 

"Can you please take it out" I pleaded

"Don't you dare move, I'm coming " With that Anum ran out. 

Anum came running in with Aayan by her side.

"I never told you to bring Aayan how is he going to help" I wailed, I wanted to walk away but I couldn't 

"ya Allah, Ayesha what have you done," Aayan said

"Anum go tell Udnan to take the car out" Aayan ordered he came closer to me.

"Leave I don't need your help," I moved away

"I'm sorry, I am very sorry" he apologized

Just Me and Him (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now