Chapter 4

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Ayesha's Pov

I woke up with a smile on my face. The answer was a yes. I saw a very bright light in my dream which almost blinded me. I'm still surprised it was on my first night.

I woke up later than usual and made breakfast for myslef. I didn't see anyone around the house they probably went out to do something. After eating I was going up to my room when I heard the doorbell ring, I quickly checked if my scarf was covering all of my hair which it was. I opened the door and saw Iman.

"What the hell answer your damn phone sometimes you got me worried!" Iman yelled 

"Walikum salam  and I am fine as you can see, come inside" I opened the door properly and let her in. 

"Assalamualaikum sorry, you know you could have answered your phone I called you over 30 times gosh," Iman said sitting on the couch in the living room.

"I'm sorry my phone is broken, do you want anything to drink?" I offered 

"no thanks but wait wasn't your phone already broken" 

"yeah but like it's in pieces now" I was looking at the organized bookshelf across me.

"Oh my Allah, now what?! how are you going to contact me or anyone? Hold on that's not what I'm here for. TELL ME about Ayaaannn! I'm dying to know." Iman had a smile that was reaching her eyes.

"Um well I did istakara and the answer was a yes so I'm gonna say yes." I knew what she wanted to hear but chose to ignore. 

"Idiot You know what I meant, what is he like physically and internally?" Iman slapped my arm playfully.

"Well I guess he's good lookin-" Iman cut me off.

"you guess you freakin guess! you saw him. He is either hot or not and the way you're blushing right now I'm assuming he is" Iman burst out laughing.

"fine he is and he seems like a nice guy," I said looking at my feet.

"I'm soo happy for you, I can't wait to throw you a bridal show-" I cut her off this time.

"Excuse me I'm not even engaged and your already planning" I reminded her.

"whatever, where is everyone?" Iman asked looking around.

"I don't know probably  went ou-" I was cut off by the door opening

"AYESHA COME GET THIS STUF-" mama yelled but then stopped when she saw Iman.

"Assalamualaikum beta what brought you here today?" Mama asked glancing at me.

"I came to see Ayesha, she wasn't picking her phone up so I was worried" Iman explained,

"well you should have called we wouldn't have gone out stay for a bit I'll make tea?" Mama offered 

"No jazakallah, I have to get going anyway" Iman grabbed her bag and said sallam to everyone and left. 

Shockingly mama didn't say anything, Instead left with papa to her room with a couple of clothing bags. I was about to pick the bags that were on the floor but Rabeeah came in.

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