Chapter 2

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Marshall could feel the tension on Ryder's voice, something was terribly wrong.

Even if the other pups didn't feel it as he did, they still knew that this was a very serious situation. They didn't even bother on say their usual callout and rushed to the elevator.

All the pups gathered on the elevator, with only Marshall missing. When they saw him walking lost in his thoughts, they were preparing for the crash or something. But that didn't happen; Marshall carefully walked to the center of the elevator and sat between Zuma and Rubble.

- "Uh, Marshall, are you ok?" Chase asked, concerned about his friend's attitude.

- "Yes, Chase. Let's go." He answered, looking at the floor, lost in his thoughts.

The other pups started to get worried about him, but soon, the elevator went to the top. Chase was dressed up in his Super Spy Gear and Marshall in his EMT pup vests.

After lining in front of the big screen and Ryder, Chase talked first as usual. "PAW Patrol ready for action. Ryder, Sir!"

Expecting a calmed and serene look from their leader, the pups looked surprised when that look was not there. In fact, this look on Ryder was more like worried, sad, afraid, something that was not usual on the ten years old boy.

- "Ryder, are you ok?" Rubble started, worried about his owner. Ryder took a step closer and turned off the screen. He kneeled in front of them and started his explanation.

- "Pups, this is a serious emergency." His voice sounded like gone; only expressing worriedness and fear. The pups stared to get nervous; if something is making Ryder act like this, then this was real problem. Ryder continued.

- "Jake called not long ago, he has an emergency." The boy started, calmly explaining to his team. Even if they wanted to ask if he was ok, they just limited to listen. "He was on an exploring trip with Everest close to the North Mountain. They were passing the little forest of bunnies and got close to a couple of caves. But then..." He cleaned his throat before continue as his pups continued listening.

- "But they went too far on their trail. The weather was getting rough and cold, and when they were about to pass the cave's zone..." His look changed, like trying to choose the right words. "When they were about to leave, a storm rolled in and..."

- "Are they ok, Ryder?" Rubble asked with a bit of fear. The other pups were concerned too, but no more than the one that knew for sure that something was terribly wrong.

- "Please, no. Anything but that... please." Marshall pleaded in his mind, starting to shake, shivering as a little tear formed on his eye.

With one last sigh, Ryder finished. "Pups, Jake can't find Everest anywhere."

In an instant, every face on the room was expressing shock and confusion. Skye was starting to cry a bit, Rocky and Chase stood in their places, thinking with worried faced, Rubble winced and shed some tears as Zuma tried to comfort him, with the same look the others had.

Ryder stood up in front of his pups with firm, yet sad look, only hearing whining from his pups for a while. But when he turned his head, he saw something he hadn't seen before in the entire PAW Patrol lifetime.

There, a small Dalmatian was shaking desperately; if the others had some tears in their eyes, he had waterfalls in them; the floor beneath him was completely wet, his face showed only fear, nothing more, and nothing less. Before anyone could react, Marshall broke in tears to the floor, crying inconsolably, repeating "No, no, no!" over and over, hitting the floor with his paw.

Immediately, Chase rushed to him, stood him up and let him cry on his shoulder.

- "Chase... she's lost on a snow storm... she's in danger!" Marshall hugged him tightly.

- "Yes, Marshall, she is in danger. But you have to be strong for her now. We'll rescue her." Chase encouraged him, making him stand on his own, cleaning his face with one of his paws. He gave Chase a snif and a silent nod.

- "Don't worry, Marshall. We will find Everest, no matter what!" Ryder exclaimed, receiving firm and brave looks from his pups. "Now, pups! PAW Patrol is on a roll!"

With this, Ryder ran to his pool as all the pups rushed to the slide one by one. But before Marshall jumped on the slide, he whispered to his own.

- "No matter what, Everest..."

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