Chapter 17

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It was reassuring that Ryder was not so serious anymore. Marshall was uncertain that his owner would forgive him in the beginning, but everything turned out surprisingly well for Marshall. Something less to be anxious about. At the time, he was wondering where the other pups were.

"Right, someone else wants to see you", said Ryder as he quickly stood and opened the door. Before the pup could ask, one of his friends had already entered the room.


"Chase!", said pup leaped to the bed and hugged his friend.

"I can't believe you're awake, buddy."

"You can't? Just how long have I been knocked out?" Marshall inquired.

"Too long, if I have to say."

"Well, four days is a long time for a nap." the Dalmatian joked, with his friend laughing as well. Hearing one of his friends laugh over some silly joke of his was something he never thought would miss deeply. After a long sigh from both, Marshall decided to speak.

"I'm sorry, Chase. I know I worried everyone back then when I ran away, but it was something I had to do."

"Hey, I get it." Chase interrupted. "Well, I didn't get it at first, you know. But I... think I felt the same when Skye got lost some time ago..."

The police pup was not best known for being this reflexive. Marshall was amused that he did not even tried to scold him or anything. Something must have happened, he thought.

"I guess what I'm trying to say is, you don't have to apologise. We understand, and we're glad you two are okay." It was moving for Marshall to have such kind of support after what he did. He closed the gap with the German Shepherd and hugged him once again, which was well received.

"By the way, how's that working out? With Everest, I mean."

" think we had any time to talk about us while we were out there?"

"Oh, right" Chase laughed lightly. Marshall just thanked this excuse worked, since he found really embarrassing to tell his friend about all the things that happened during the rescue. "What's important is that you two are safe now."

"Well, now that you're here. There's something I had in mind when I was passed out..."

2 hours later

"Marshall!" the other pups had entered the room when the doctor certified that Marshall could receive more than one visitor before leaving the hospital.

"Guys!" The excited and emotional looks in their eyes was the only thing that was missing for Marshall to finally feel in home. His friends spread over the room and made themselves comfortable while chatting with the Dalmatian.

"It's so awesome that you two are awake! You had us worried for half the week!" Rubble commented.

"Four days felt like an eternity! Good thing we found you two just in time", added Rocky.

"Yeah, any longer and you would be long gone, dude", continued Zuma.

"... a bit too harsh, I think" Marshall said, "But yeah, I'm really sorry guys."

"No need for that, Marshall. You are a hero", came in Skye. "We all think what you did was really brave."

"Of course, dude! You saved Everest!"

"We wouldn't had reached you two if it wasn't for you", said Rocky.

Chase watched from his spot how with every intervention of his friends Marshall was less and less ashamed and more confindent. The police dog could only smile silently while everyone cheered on his friend.

"Thank you guys, it means a lot" Marshall couldn't find better words to describe how he felt in that moment. The pups let out aww's as they leaped to the bed one by one for a group hug that everyone needed. It was then when Marshall noticed that his body was not hurting or anything.

"Did the doctor tell you anything about us?", he asked.

"Ryder was talking with him a second ago, I can go check it out if you want." said Rocky. Zuma and Rubble followed the eco pup to the entrance while chatting about something Marshall did not understand. That left him with Chase and Skye alone in the room.

"You're gonna pay her a visit, aren't you?" said Skye.

"Uh, yeah!" replied Marshall.

With a quick leap out of the bed, Marshall made it to the door and dashed off to the hallway. Feeling so light and strong was exciting, and helped hide a little his excitement for seeing Everest after such a long time, even though he did not feel it that way.

He found the door to her room with no mayor complication. The door opened revealing a space not too different than his. Everest was resting in her bed next to a little card she was reading, that the pups had given her before going to Marshall's room. You could see photos of her and the missions with the team decorated with glitter and shine, poorly spread, but a cute detail.

Marshall approached from behind without being noticed by the Husky. Not a good idea.

"Everest!" he happily appeared form one side of the bed, but was recevied with a scream that made him fall on the cold floor.


"Marshall! Sorry, sorry, sorry. I didn't know you were here." Everest said looking at him, still on the floor. Not the best reunion, to be honest.

"No, no. That one's on me." Marshall said standing up to jump again to the bed, quite embarrassed.

"Are you sure?" she said a little worried. Marshall landed on the bed.

"Yup." He approached and nuzzled her making her blush brightly, but quickly got rid of that feeling and nuzzled him back. For a brief moment he noticed that it was the first time they did something so... 'couple-ish', and apparently she felt the same, as they lowered their looks shily.

"...we better get used to it, don't you think?" Everest spoke.

He took the lead and held her in an embrace. She hugged back. They got used to the new sensation. Now with the possibility to look forward, out of danger, they realized there was no need to worry about anything. Both cuddled and shared warmth for several minutes without moving from their spots, as the silent room kept them out of reach for the rest of the world. They giggled silently when their muzzles touched, and smiled brightly when their noses did. It did not take long until one of them pressed forward and the kiss was sealed.

"I must admit, it wasn't the best way to start a relationship" commented Marshall, "Though, I'm not sure how a normal couple would get together."

"Nothing comes to your mind?" Everest said expectantly, knowing he had something up his sleeve, pretending to be clueless about some subjects. She was getting to know him better.

"One thing... and I think it's better now that we're here alone..." he leaned closer to her ear. "W-Would you go out with me?"

"... after all we've been through, you were nervous about this?"

"I was planning on asking you out before all this... it would have happened, eventually..."

"Silly pup" she licked his cheek. "So, a date, huh?" The idea of having a date with Marshall was exciting.

"I want to make things right with you..." Marshall cleared his throat and tried to sound convincing. "In two days, it will be the best date you've ever had!"

"It would be the first one" she giggled. "Of course I will."

They gave each other another kiss on the lips, and Everest invited him to rest with her for a bit. In the meantime, Chase and Skye recevied the other pups in the room when they couldn't find the fire pup. Together, they left for the cafeteria and continued planning the surprise they had for both the pups back in the Lookout...

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