Chapter 3

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The weather in Adventure Bay was a typical snowy scenario, but people who knows about the subject knows that if there's snow in the city, it's because a storm is rolling in far in the mountains. Ryder knew that, but he couldn't figure out how to look for Everest without exposing his pups to danger at the same time.

Marshall couldn't stop crying all the way to Jake's Mountain. For a moment, he increased the speed of his truck, even when Ryder told him to slow down, it looked like he wasn't hearing him, or he didn't want to hear him. Just when Chase turned on his siren and stopped in front of the ambulance, Marshall could react.

His thoughts weren't clear. He wanted to find Everest as fast as he could, he didn't want to stop by Jake's to ask, a phone call would've been enough to know what they need to know to start searching, but he trusts in Ryder, and he knew that he had a plan already, he just needed some last details to start.

The sound of sirens were heard in the mountain, Ryder and the pups arrived to Jake's cabin. The first thing they saw was Jake, sitting in the front. His face was blank, his legs and hands were shaking for the cold and his teary eyes gave them a look of fear and sadness.

All the pups and Ryder walked to where Jake was. The leader approached to him and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Jake..." he started. The 25 year old man didn't answer. "Jake, please tell me what happened."

"I don't know." Hi finally answered, not moving his view from the floor. "I-It happened too fast. All I can remember is me, running away from the storm, and leaving... l-leaving Everest-"The mountaineer couldn't resist it; he covered his face with his shaky hands and let out a painful cry.

Ryder immediately held him in an embrace, letting him cry in his shoulder to the view of his worried pups. "It's ok, Jake. You couldn't do anything, it's not your fault." The young boy reassured him. Jake needed special treatment due to his situation, but Ryder needed information to start the searching as fast as they could.

"Jake, you have to tell us, where is the last place you remember before the storm?" Ryder asked, pulling him back.

Jake sniffled. "A cave, a few miles away from here, it's close to a river. Just in the entrance, the storm made me run away from there." He explained. "Maybe, maybe... Everest is still in the cave... I don't know." He sighed.

"Ryder, we have to find her, but the storm is getting worse by every minute". Chase spoke, firmly standing in front of his teammates.

Ryder turned his view. "I know Chase, but we'll have to wait until-"

"What are we waiting for?!"  A voice shouted from behind. Immediately, everyone turned to see where the voice came from, but surely didn't expect that from the red suited Dalmatian of the team. Lost in his rage and almost in tears, Marshall yelled and growled at his leader, much to their surprise.

Ryder approached to him. "Marshall, I know that you're worried about Everest, we all are. But Chase is right, this storm is getting worse, we can't risk us to lose another pup, it's too dangerous." Ryder said, trying to calm down the Dalmatian. 

"But if we wait it could be too late! She can-...she can-..." Something broke inside of him. "Something could happen to her..." at this point, Marshall already had tears rolling down his cheeks. All the pups and the ten year old boy knew that he was right, which make them look down with he thought. Ryder got closer to him, so he could calm him down. 

"I-If something happen to her... I don't know what I'm going to do. Please, Ryder. Please..." Marshall cried and whined in his leader's arms, who just hugged him tight, knowing that he really cared about Everest.

He sighed. "I'm not saying that we won't look for her, but now is too dangerous." The boy caressed the top of his head. "Please, just wait until tomorrow, ok? I promise we'll start early in the morning." He showed a comfort smile.

Marshall cleaned his eyes with his paws. "Ok..." he whispered as he moved away from him. Just as he did this, far in the woods, they could hear a loud noise.

"We better get into the cabin, the storm is coming here." Ryder commanded. "Tomorrow should be fine to start searching" all the pups nodded in agreement as everyone rushed into the wooden cabin.Once inside, Marshall hopped to a chair close to a window, to see the snow covering everything.

She can't wait until tomorrow. He thought.

*  *  *  *  *

The strong winds made the branches of a close tree hit the window of the guests room, where Ryder was trying to sleep. Unable to get asleep, he stood up from his bed and walked to the kitchen for a glass of water.

I better get something to drink he thought. I have the feeling that tomorrow will be a long da-

But suddenly, he heard a trucks engine start. "What the...?" he ran to the closest window only to see a red ambulance driving away to the snowy forest.

"No, Marshall!" He shouted through the window, but but it was useless. He got his pup pad and tried to call him, but he got no answer. Either the storm was blocking the signal, or he turned off with pup tag.

 "Ryder!" A voice exclaimed. He turned to see Chase standing next to him. "I heard you screaming, what happened?"

"Chase, Marshall ran away. He tries to find Everest by himself!"

"What?!" Chase yelled, "Ryder, we have to get him back!" he shouted, already running to the door. 

"Wait Chase!" he got stopped by his leader. "Remember, the storm is growing stronger, it's too risky."

"But Ryder, what are we gonna do?!"

Ryder didn't know how to answer. He couldn't risk any other pup, but Marshall was in danger, now they had two missing pups. The young leader placed a hand on his forehead, supporting hos back against a wall.

"I don't know..." 

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