Chapter 12

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Marshall could feel the crippling fear climbing up through his spine when he saw Everest motionless in the snow. "Ev-Everest!" he shouted, as he made his way through the deep cape of snow. "Everest! Can you hear me?!"

Again, he felt his world falling apart piece by piece every second that passed. The snow falling from the sky formed a dense fog, dark gray clouds formed above the two pups.

Even though she could not move at all, Everest could hear everything he was saying, how he desperately shook her body trying to get an answer, how his tears landed in her coat, how he pleaded for her to wake up.

Please, don't...

Her body was finally giving up, the strength escaped her self. In the end, she couldn't feel a thing. It was finally it, but unlike before, when she felt regrets and loneliness, now she was decided, fearless for what was coming, for what was inevitable. But she had some things to say before.

Save yourself, Marshall. Don't take any more risks for me, you have done enough, she said in her mind.

I finally understand, you made me realize it. I don't have to be afraid anymore. If you sacrifice yourself for someone you love, then it's worth it, just like you risked your life for me... let me return you the favor...

 Maybe one day I'll see you again...

And everything turned dark.

*  *  *  *  *

They say that dying is like falling asleep, just that you never realize that you will never wake up, never feel a thing again. The taste of a kiss, the warm of a hug, happiness, sadness, anything.

This was the first sign to tell that Everest was still alive. The second one was the feeling of a stumble, and another, and another.

What... is this...? she weakly reacted at the strange feeling of being carried. Still with her eyes closed, she felt the surface where she was resting. It felt like a warm bed made of soft fur. She started to pat around.

"Oh, y-you're a-awake." she heard. She instantly recognized the voice, of course. It did not take her long to realize the situation. She was being carried by Marshall, in his back. The Dalmatian was trying really hard to keep balance in his body, giving stumbles by moments. He was tired, who knows if even more than her.

The storm was dissipating slowly across the horizon, no more fog in the sky, just the sun hiding in the distance, tainting the sky with a mix of orange, red and yellow. Looking around you could see the little forest, with the trees and the bunny burrows.

"M-Marshall." she finally spoke, trying to get off him, but her legs were not responding again.

"H-How do you f-feel?" he gave another stumble.

"Why did you do it...? You should have left me back and-"

"Never." He quickly interrupted her. "S-Someone had to find you. I couldn't wait until Ryder decided if it was time or not... I-I knew what I had to do, even if it meant to risk my life for you."


"Remember that I promised you... that I would never leave you alone, not again." he stated.

A couple of seconds passed before she could form the words in her mind, but it had to be quick, because she was about to faint again.

"... thank you."  she whispered loud enough so he could hear her, but it beat her, and with this she collapsed again in his back.

"Heh, sweet dreams..."

It had been like an hour since Marshall took Everest in his back and started the way back. Sadly, in the end his body gave up too. He started to breath heavier, his legs shaked one last time and he fell in the snow with the Husky on top of him.

'G-Guess this is the end... S-Sorry I couldn't make it, Everest. I tried m-my best to keep my promise... at least we have each other in the end.

See you soon-'

Finally giving up, the brave pup was about to faint, when he heard a sound. Propellers? Looking up, he saw something flying above them, it was Chase's drone. In the horizon, he could see the shape of the German Shepherd running towards them.

Marshall closed his eyes and rested his head, perking his ears to listen.

"Marshall?! Is that you?! Ryder! Over here! We found them! Both!"

...we made it, Everest.

And everything turned black again.

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