Chapter 14

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Ryder did not know how to feel in that moment. Maybe angry, disappointed, fearful or worried, or maybe all of them at once. But it was not convenient to show himself like this in front of his pups, not then when they needed a strong figure to lead them.

He was devastated. Not only Marshall had escaped, but the Dalmatian did it in the middle of a critical situation.  His medical skills were crucial for the team for such a high risk mission like this, but it was useless. It was done.

It was not time to think of a punishment for Marshall when it was over. He probably wouldn't even have the chance to see his pup again. This only was making the boy think of what the medical pup recriminated him earlier that day. When was the right moment to act? Now that he had two missing pups the doubt only grew. Now he had to plan two rescues instead of one. With some luck, both would be completed in the course of the other, but it would be way too optimistic.

The impotence sensation is devastating in a leader. Not only for him, but for the entire crew. Deep inside, Ryder still had hope that his pup would cross the door, that door he just colapsed on a few minutes ago. He wanted it to be simple, and tried to keep everyone safe at the same time. But that decision leaded to this moment, and he couldn't help but think that it was his fault.

And so, the young leader sent Chase to his bed for the next day, despite of the German Shepherd's complains, while he just sat in front of the door, waiting for Marshall to come back, make up a silly excuse, like only he would do, both would laugh and would go to sleep to prepare themselves for what was coming.

Hours passed, and Ryder was still there, sitting in the wooden floor looking at the door, waiting for his pup to return, as a tear rolled down his face.

"Please, come back..."

But Marshall did not return that night.

*  *  *  *  *

Ryder was laying on the sofa next to the door. Marshall never came back, but somehow he was not mad, just worried. Nothing more, nothing less. Not just about Marshall, but for the mission, for his team, for Everest. The young leader gave a quick look at his pup pad.

'7:12 a.m.'

The boy groaned and stroke his head before pulling his body out of the cushion. Before he could do anything else, he heard footsteps getting closer. He quickly combed his hair with his fingers and turned.

"Hey Wyder." came in Zuma, yawning a little after. "Is Marshall still in the bathroom? I've been waiting him to come out for an hour."


"Yeah, he's not in our room, so thought he was in the bathroom."

So, Chase hasn't told anyone yet. Ryder felt a wave of sadness come across, knowing that their Dalmatian friend was anywhere close. He didn't dare to break Zuma's innocence and say what really happened.

"No, he's not. You can come in."

"Uff, great." with this, the Lab rushed in disappearing from the boy's view. Moments after he heard more footsteps getting close. This time it was Chase, who was just glaring at the wooden floor in silence before looking up at his leader.

"Morning, sir."

"Morning, Chase." Both mumbled, followed by silence that Ryder broke seconds after. "Chase, I need you to do me a favor..."

"What is it, sir?"

"Wake up the others and round them up here. They need to know about our status before we go." spoke Ryder, low but firm.

"Will do, Ryder." Chase turned to the rooms immediately, almost too sharply.

"Chase, is there any problem-?"

"Nothing, sir." with this, the spy pup left Ryder, not letting him say anything after. The young leader felt the tense aura around the German Shepherd, he knew that Chase was making him responsible for what happened. He couldn't blame him though, Ryder was starting to think the same way.

*  *  *  *  *

The instant Ryder finished talking the room turned into a commotion where all the pups except for Chase, who was silent as a grave, shouted questions to the boy and between themselves.

"Guys, guys!" he rasied his voice, and the room was dead silent. He took a moment to see the concern in their eyes, the younger ones were almost in tears, Skye was trying to control herself from shaking without success, even Chase was showing his fear.

"I know how worried you are for Everest and Marshall. Don't worry, the mission hasn't changed. Wherever Marshall is heading right now-"

"But we have to get to Everest first!"

"But Marshall must be close, what if-"

"Don't be silly, he left at night! He must be miles away right now."

"That if he made it through the storm-"

"ENOUGH!" a powerful bark came out of Chase, who now was standing on his four with a death glare pointed to everyone in the room. The room was silent once again, tension filling the air. "Marshall is out there, I know it!"

Rocky  looked at him. "How do you know-?!"

"Because I know it!" he shouted back. "This is not the moment for us to talk here, when our friends are out there in danger!" for a brief moment, Chase directed his view to Ryder, who was petrified in his spot speechless. The boy could swear he could see the same eyes Marshall had the day before, accusing him for this situation.

Without taking his look off the floor, Chase sighed and returned to his place.

"Sir, your orders."

Ryder took a long breathe. "Pups, get your gears. We're leaving in thirty minutes. Chase, get your spy gear. Jake, we're going to need you to lead us to  the caves zone."

"Will do."

Looking back at his pups Ryder could see confusion, fear, anger. As he did in the Lookout, he kneeled down at their level and spoke in a soft tone.

"Guys, it's ok to be scared. I am scared too." he placed a hand in his chest. "But, you're my family. I would do anything to protect each of you, and that includes Everest and Marshall."

Zuma and Rubble were starting to shed some tears, their views never separeted from the boy. "I promise you that we will find both of them safe and sound, but only if we work together, as a team. As a family."

The previously mentioned pups were the first on bursting into crying and hugging their leader, which he sweetly returned, caressing each pup's heads. Rocky on the back was trying to cover his own teary eyes from everyone, Skye didn't mind, as she was the third one on running to hug the boy. Chase on the other hand was still deep in thoughts, looking down most of the time, but couldn't help but feel the knot in his throat, resisting the urge to cry.

The moment touched Jake deeply, as he left the room for a second and let it out in the kitchen. He had a mix of nostalgia and a boost of energy in his spirit, for Everest, for Marshall, decided to do whatever it takes to find them and bring them home.

After Ryder let go of the teary pups, he got up, cleaned his face and directed the pups.

"Alright pups! Let's go!"

"Yes, sir!"

"Totally, dude!"

"For our buddies!"

"For our friends!"

"For out family!"

And everyone scatered to get ready for the hardest rescue yet.

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