Chapter 3

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Hi I hope you've enjoyed my story so far! I know the chapters are short, but once I get deeper into the plot I'll try to make them longer. I also know that I intruduced Logan Lerman right away, but I wanted to get the story going. He is not famous in this; he's just a normal teenager. Anyways, I hope you like it and thanks for reading!


 “So I’ll see you around?” Logan asks. 

        “Definitely,” I squeal. 

        He stands up and casually walks out of the shop. 

        I’m practically jumping of excitement. I open a fresh document and write in large bold letters: This is my chance.  I list in my mind all of the opportunities this has given me. A chance to have a friend, a way to bring back happy feelings, a purpose and goal in life. I pack up my things and skip all the way home. 

        I’m so jittery I don’t even notice that it’s raining or how late it is. As soon as I walk in the door, I flop on the couch and smile dreamily. 

        “Katharine! You’re soaked! And it’s almost eleven! You know you have to be home by ten!” my mum shouts. Ever since my father died, she either blocks me out or brings out her anger on me. Today she seems to be letting her anger free.  

        I know its best to not fight back. I quickly straighten on the couch. “Sorry, mum. I completely lost track of time and had to walk home,” I apologize. 

        “Where’d you go? And take off your shoes!” she orders.

        I obey and say, “To the coffee shop. I met a nice boy there who is joining my school after break. He just moved here.” 

        My mum eyes me suspiciously, but seems to give up on any negative thoughts. When has a boy ever found any attraction to me, anyways? If one did now, it wouldn’t be very serious or concerning for my mum. I’ve never experienced a romance before, so how would I know how to act? Since I’m in high school, it’s a little embarrassing.

        Yeah, my mum has absolutely nothing to worry about. I, on the other hand, do. My mind is racing like a tornado picking up speed. Throwing around thoughts and making a mess inside my mind. What if he doesn’t like me? What if he thinks I’m ugly? What if I’m a humiliation to be with at school? What if I mess up everything? 

        Now I understand all the drama girls have had since sixth grade, back when I was still fighting over crayons with the other kids like me. I take a deep breath and head off to my bedroom. I may as well sleep off the thoughts.

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