Chapter 13

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A/n- I wrote another fanfiction :) It's called "Maybe" and it features Niall Horan. It is a lot better than this one so check it out if you want.


Logan and I may have found Chelsea's incident funny, but she did not, and the principal certainly didn't either.

Ryan, his gang, Logan, and I all find ourselves spending our Tuesday night in the school's office.

According to Chelsea, Logan and I made fun of her and created rumors. Then Ryan and all of the guys 'bullied' and 'embarrassed' Chelsea.

The part about Ryan may have been true, but I'm sure Chelsea just wanted to get back at me. And the only way to do that is to pull Logan into this mess too.

I can't concentrate on homework. How am I supposed to? My mum is awaiting a call from Dr. Drewall, our principal, any second now. I just hope she hasn't been drinking. My mind is about to explode from all of the worry flying about inside.

"Katharine," Logan whispers, "they're talking to your mum right now."

I strain to hear their voices, and sure enough, Dr. Drewall is just beginning his speech. I can't bear to hear it, but I know I must find out.

Before the principal can even finish Chelsea's summary, I can just barely hear my mother start to lose it. If she wasn't screaming, nothing would've been audible. But she was screaming; asking how that could happen, why I would do that, and assuring Dr. Drewall it will never happen again, for I will learn my lesson.

"And don't wait for me to pick her up, Katharine will be walking home today!" My mother snaps harshly before slamming the phone off.

Logan shoots me a sympathetic glance. He thinks that's bad? He doesn't even know about what happens at home.

I only get a scrap of my homework finished before Dr. Drewall dismisses us.

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