Chapter 4 || So embarrassed

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Richelle's PoV
I can't believe this! Why did I get agree to come here in the first place? Look where it's got me. Standing in an awkward silence with a boy I hardly even know. Ugh! I wish I was home. I could snuggle into my comfies and spend the night watching tv.! I had to stupidly be fooled by my mother to come around for a dinner party. I feel so exposed! My dress is so revealing. I could practically feel Noah's eyes burning into my chest as we were talking. I don't like it.
"Are you coming or not?"
Asked Noah, bluntly. There's no need to be like that! I turned to look at him. He stood at the bottom of the stairs. His mouth was turned down in a scowl and he had his arms crossed. I don't really want to go but I have no choice. I told my parents I would. I really wish I could keep my mouth shut sometimes.
"There is no need to be so cheeky"
I replied copying his actions, crossing my arms. He cocked his eyebrow towards me almost in surprise.
"I would 'come' as you said but I'm in a strangers house and I have no idea where I am going"
I said frankly, waiting to gage his reaction. He stood in the same position, arms crossed and feet glued to the floor. something! I watched as he shifted slightly on his feet.
He said, uncrossing his arms and extending one out towards me. What is he doing?
"Follow me, my rooms not far. I'm sure you won't break a nail walking up to it"
He said teasingly. Who did he think I was? Stereotyping me as a typical girly girl when in fact I'm the complete opposite. If it was my decision I would have worn leggings and baggy jumper, not this stupid dress.
I heard him cough. He wiggled his arm up and down. Oh. Did he think? I'm not going to take his hand after he insulted me.
"Are you going to take my hand or not? It's for your safety. I don't have to do it, but my mother said I had to be nice. However I do know that there is cracks and dips in the floor that I'm sure your heels will definitely get stuck in"
He said pointing down towards my heels. Oh my shoes! That is another thing I could complain about but I'll save you the rant. I looked down towards the heels on my feet. They were a pretty nude. Hiding my toes completely and showing of the top of my feet. I must admit they were extremely high. Ugh. I'm going to have to take his hand aren't I?
"Made up your mind yet?"
He said, a slight amusement hidden in his voice. I looked up at him only to see his eyes glistening and a smile on his face. Oh this boy! As soon as I saw him I knew he was going to be trouble. I looked towards his hand, hesitantly. It was so large compared to my own, and rougher too. I reluctantly dragged my hand from my side and grasped his.
I don't know what to think of this. Its warm, really warm but not sweaty. The roughness of the skin almost tickled. I've never held another boys hand before. No boy has ever seemed interested in me. I felt the grip on my hand tighten as the Noah lightly pulled me forward next to him. God! He's tall. From where I was standing he seemed only a few inches taller than me. In fact he was nearly a full head taller, even when I'm in heels!
"Come on."
He told me, pulling me up the stairs. As we were walking up the stairs, I couldn't help but let my eyes wander. I'm nosey, okay? The walls were a pristine cream, contrasting greatly against the dark wooden floor. Hung every few steps was pictures and certificates for some place called...'The Next Step' .It looked like a dance company. I look closer towards one near me only to find a familiar blonde staring back at me. Mum? What is she doing in the picture? She's never mentioned anything about 'The Next Step'.
"You seem very interested in that picture. Anybody in it capture your attention?"
Thats not Noah's voice. It's rougher, and deeper than Noah's. Huh? Who is it? I turned around on the step only to find that I was nearly nose to nose with a man. I flinched back slightly. He had dark black hair that was going grey at the roots and a wide smile. His laughter lines were prominent. All in all he seemed like a happy chap.
Said Noah, softly. Oh! So that's who it is! This is the person dad is always going on about it. James.
"Umm mum asked me to tell you to hurry, the guests are waiting"
Responded Noah again. James turned to his son giving him a smile and patting his shoulders.
"Ah! That's your mother alright. So impatient. I'm sure she can wait a little longer. So..who are you? A friend of Noah's?"
He asked teasingly, glancing down at our clasped hands. Noah quickly dropped his grip on my hand. Nope! Did he think-? Oh god no! I hardly know the boy. Surprisingly I could feel my face start to heat up.
"No no dad. This is one of our guests-Richelle. She's Michelle and John's daughter."
Noah spoke for me, quickly bringing the hand up that was once attached to mine, to scratch the nape of his neck. I watched as James eyes widened in surprise as he turned to glance at me up and down. I feel exposed again. I watched as he studied my face profusely. Can he stop now, please?
"Of course you are! You look exactly like Michelle. The hair, the nose. You could practically be sisters"
He exclaimed finally. Really? I don't think I look anything like my mum. I swear I inherited all of my looks from my dad.
"Where are you going son? The dining room is the other way."
Asked James, pointing down the stairs. Oh I wish I was going to the dining room, because this means the dinner is ready and I'm one step closer to going home. I don't even know what we are going to do in his room. It certainly won't be what is normally done in a bedroom between couples. Could you imagine? I haven't even had my first kiss yet so I'm certainly not going to be doing the next step up.
"Mum told me to bring her upstairs to my room."
I didn't think it was possible but I believe I seen James eyes widen further.
"Really? Your mother asked you to take her to your room? Wow, she obviously has forgotten what we used to do anytime we were alone in a room"
He teased and let out a chuckle. Oh god! Is he implying that they had...ugh, I can't even say the word.
"Okay dad! To much information. We'll be going now."
Exclaimed Noah quickly, his face growing red. I felt him take a hold of my hand again as we started to walk up the stairs again.
"Okay son! It was good to meet you Richelle"
Said James as he started to walk away.
"Oh and Noah...if anything gets a bit heated. Top drawer, at the back of the cabinet in the hall. Condoms! It's always good to be safe"
Replied James calmly before disappearing out of view. I didn't think it was possible but I think my face may have gotten redder. As we continued to walk up the stairs I suddenly heard Noah mutter.
"I'm sorry about my parents. Especially my dad. He doesn't seem to have a turn off button when it comes to private matters."
He told me with a nervous chuckle. I realised that. God! I'm glad my parents aren't that bad.
"That's okay"
I replied softly. We soon came to the top of the stairs. Noah pulled me along to the left, his hands still grasped into mine. We continued to walk until we came to a stop at the end of the hallway at a door. I'm guessing this is Noah's room. Here goes nothing.

Enjoys guys
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