Chapter 13 || Seeing her

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Drama. Drama. Drama.
*This has not been proof read*

Noah's PoV
So...yeah. This is fun. I glanced towards my father who was chewing down on a piece of meat intensely. God, he has an appetite. Every single second of the day, if he's not eating I'm sure he's thinking about food. Even when he is sleeping, I'm sure his dreams are filled with food. Sometimes I wonder if will every change but then I remember it's James and James doesn't change.
    I move my gaze to my left, hesitantly flickering my eyes discreetly over to the man beside me. Unlike my father he was patiently cutting away at his chicken. His eyes tried to keep focused on his plate but ever so often he would glance up towards the many pictures on the walls. Probably trying to see if he could find Michelle lurking in one of them. Although I haven't talked to him much, I could tell by his tense demeanour that he did not like me very much. I don't really know why. I mean we haven't talked at all, and I don't believe I've acted any differently to Richelle that would cause him to hate me. Well..not anything that he would have seen. Another thing that's bothering me. Richelle.
      She didn't look that mad when James spilt the sauce over her. Actually she looked quite..I don't know...relieved? She is one strange girl. First she sits on my lap because she's bored, then she doesn't look at me at all during dinner and now she's happy to be covered in sauce. Weird. Random. Confusing. Words that could only describe the few moments I spent with her  up in my room and on the stairs. Suddenly, I heard a clash as cutlery banged against the China plates.
"So Noah...what do you think of Richelle?"
John asked me blankly. Wha-? Wh-why would he ask that? I mean it's so sudden and unexpected. I saw my father allow his cutlery to fall on to his plate as he turned his attention onto the conversation. What the fuck am I supposed to say to a question like that? I opened my mouth to speak before closing it again.
"It's a simple enough question Noah. What do you think of my daughter? Do you thinks she's pretty?"
He asked again, a little more demanding this time. He fiddled his knife against his plate- spinning it on its tip around and around. It squeaked, the sharp noise being painful to the ears. I couldn't help but flinch back a little. The subtle hint of violence from the spinning knife was slightly scary. I felt James put his hands on my shoulder pulling me back a little in comfort.
"Yo dude, stop that. Your making him uncomfortable"
Defended James, giving him a 'back off' look. John turned his beady eyes on him, giving him a harsh stare. He dropped the knife from spinning but kept it in his hands-clutching it tightly. I watched as his eyes narrowed and his neck started to go red.
"Don't look at me like that!"
He countered defensively. I felt James grip on my shoulder grow tighter. Oh please, don't start fighting!
"I'll look at you any way I want to look at you!"
Defended James, standing up behind me-his chair knocking to the floor. I watched as John looked up at James in anger before standing up himself, knife still clutched in his hands.
"Don't start man. If I get started, you know I will finish"
He threatened his eyes narrowed fully. He looked mad. Oh crap! Wait! Why am I allowing my father to stand up for me? I should be doing this myself! I stood up in between them. They stared at me in destain. Of course they did. I stopped them from probably killing each other.
"Stop it! Stop it right now!"
I demanded. I tried to sound threatening but I don't know how threatening a seventeen year old ballet dancer can sound to two freaking forty year olds. I turned to my father who glanced at me with slight amusement. His eyebrows were cocked and his mouth turned slightly upward. I bet he's amused that I'm actually trying to stop this stupid argument.
"Get out of the way boy"
Started John as he pushed me down into my chair. How dare he? He's the one who started this. He asked me the question. He started the conversation.
I yelled out, at the same time my father said
"What the fuck do you think you're doing?"
James looked up at John in complete an utter anger. Any trace of amusement gone. I watched as John turned to me. The knife in his hands pointed at me as he began to speak.
"I saw the way at you were looking at Richelle during dinner."
He said, flailing the knife up and down. And what way was I looking at her exactly?
"I know boys like you. I've seen boys like you at every dance competition and in every shop when Richelle walks by. If you think you get a free pass to sleep with my daughter just because you are my best mates son, then you are mistaken"
He ended, the knife still pointed at me. This guy is crazy! I get that's he protective over his daughter but come on! Does he really think I'm going to sleep with his daughter only a few hours after meeting her? Christ! Let's hope he doesn't hear that I kissed her. He'd probably kill me right on the spot.
"I don't even want you to think about her you little sh-BANG!"
He was cut off prematurely by my father bringing back his hand and punching him squarely on the jaw. Shit! Woah dad! I didn't think you had it in you. John landed harshly on the table, food dropped into the air before coming back down again on top of him and splashing on me. Well..this escalated quickly!


A foreign voice called from over beside the door. I quickly stood up from my seat to turn around and see who was at the door. Oh god, this so not good. There stood in the doorway was my mother and Michelle. Both of their arms were crossed as they stared at the devastating scene in front of them. I can't imagine what it must look like. Me, James and John standing behind the table. Me in the middle with James on one side clutching at his red fists and John sprawled across the table on the other side-half his face covered in mashed potatoes from where he had fallen into a massive bowl of it.
"I swear I can't leave you alone for more than five minutes!"
Announced Riley profusely, cocking an eyebrow in disbelief. She tapped a finger against her crossed arms. We are in so much trouble! I don't know who her statement was directed to but when Riley gets angry-you know you are in deep trouble.
"John, what happened?"
Asked Michelle softly, looking at her husband in sympathy. John looked at her in confusion, bringing his hand to start talking and explain what happened but before he could another voice called out from behind Michelle and Riley.
"So what did I miss?"
Huh? Everyone's here apart from...Richelle. Michelle and Riley slowly drifted apart only to reveal a slightly smaller Richelle standing behind them. Hey, wait a minute! Are those my clothes?!

Cliffhanger ending sorry, I hope you liked it though 😜
Words: 1274

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