Chapter 15 || The end

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Welcome to the end of this book. I'm so sorry that this is the last chapter but I've decided it's time to go. This is not where I wanted the book to end. I had to many more ideas and chapters that I wanted to write but I thought now was a good time to just end the book. I'm sorry that I've made John overly aggressive and protective but it's the only way I thought I could end the book

Noah's PoV
Umm, Richelle? John looked down at her-confusion laced on his face. Where are you going with this Richelle? From the corner of my eye I saw, James, Riley and Michelle look at her expectation.
"I was flirting with him. You can even ask Riley if you think I'm lying. She'll tell you the truth"
She said, pointing towards my mother in the corner. Wait. Is she-? Is this about what happened in my bedroom before my mother walked in. Her sitting on my lap?
"What do you mean darling?"
Asked John softly. I guess he had calmed down a little from before hand. Richelle let out a sigh before rolling her eyes. She crossed her arms carefully.
"I shouldn't be getting so angry at Noah when I was the one who initiated everything"
She exclaimed carelessly. I'm surprised at why she is acting like this. She extended out an arm before opening out her hands into a fist. It was almost like she was going to list all the things she had done in her fingers. What I didn't know was how right my assumption was.
She said extending out her thumb.
"I was the one who started to flirt with Noah as soon as I walked in the door.."
She responded with a laugh. Hold on a minute. What is she talking about? The first thing I remember her saying to me was-oh crap! I opened my mouth to stop her from speaking but I was already to late.
"I mean he was looking at you-" she pointed towards her mother with her other hand "- with such wide eyes because of your dress that I told him he was a 'womaniser' and that he should get his head out of the gutters"
I felt my face grow extremely red. She just had to say that, didn't she? I heard my father let out a chuckle from behind me. Ugh. From the corner of my eye I saw John's face also grow red but not in embarrassment like mine-his was anger. Oh great! Now he thinks I was hitting on his daughter and his wife. I let my shoulders fall in annoyance as Richelle continued on.
"Secondly, I was the one who sat on his lap when I was in his bedroom-"
She was stopped abruptly by her father.
"You did what?!"
He exclaimed angrily, his eyes small and narrow. He turned to me, raising a fist. Hey now, we can talk about this. James stepped forward a little.
"Daddy stop!"
Called Richelle, placing her hand on his raised arm-pulling it back down. He looked down at Richelle before over to me and then he finally let his hand drop to his sides. Phew!
"Did you not hear me? I was the one who sat on his lap. It was me!"
She told him confidently. I'm glad she's cleared that up. John nodded his head as a sign that he understood and Richelle was able to get back to her list. I wonder what's next?
"Anyways as I was saying, I sat on his lap and that's when Riley came bursting into the room"
She rounded off, pointing to my mother once more. Riley averted her eyes to the floor to avoid looking at the scene in front of her.
"That's all?"
Asked my father in disbelief. I turned to look at him. What does he mean? James cocked his brow and crossed his arms in amusement.
"Riley-sweetie. You definitely have a tendency to overreact. She sat on his lap? Sat on his lap! Christ we did worst things than that when we were that age. The way you talked about finding them doing something they shouldn't have been doing made me think that they had sex or something like that. But no, 'she sat on his lap'."
He ended with a chuckle, slapping a hand down onto his knees in laughter. He does have a point. I mean I've had a girl sit on on my lap like that before in dance and no one ever complained or overreacted.
"That's what I said when Riley told me!"
Exclaimed Michelle with a giggle, looking towards Riley with bright glistening eyes. My mothers head deepened as she stared intensely at the floor-her face red in embarrassment.
"Riley the innocent!"
Teased my father jokingly. Finally my mother looked up at James and Michelle confidently but I could still see some embarrassment lingered behind her eyes.
"Oi! I had a right to be worried, they could have done something more! And then we could be dealing with a baby!"
She exclaimed passionately, her face red. A baby?! Hold on a minute now! She's getting ahead of herself. All Richelle did was sit on my lap.
"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!"
John repeated angrily. All eyes turned to him.
"Let's stop talking about my daughter and your son having sex and creating grandchildren for all of us because that will never happen!"
He argued, his ears were still burning red hot. Not to go all professor of science on you or anything but I mean it physically could happen. Me and Richelle both have the parts and from the little knowledge I know about her I believe they should be working properly. There's no reason we couldn't-stop! I need to stop! I'm thinking about having a baby with Richelle at the age of seventeen, frankly..that's a little weird. I let out a shiver, allowing myself to join back into the current situation.
"I forbid it!"
He exclaimed confidently. Somehow I knew he meant it and that he would do anything to keep it that way.
"You 'forbid' what?"
Asked Richelle, giving her father a fierce stare. John turned to his daughter, looking down at her.
"I forbid you from dating Noah, or having any sort of relationship with him"
He commands. What? He can't do that!
"You can't stop them from dating if they want to. What if your parents had stopped me and you from dating?"
Argued Michelle, annoyed. Exactly! How would he feel? I can date Richelle if I want! But do I want to...
"Daddy! That's not fair!"
Complained Richelle, crossing her arms in anger. Wait a second! Does that mean she wants to date me? I looked down at her in surprise. At that exact moment, Richelle decided to turn and look up at me. Our eyes hit against each other. This reminds me of after our kiss. I was so worried that I had ruined everything but I don't know. Maybe she does like me more than just a friend. I don't know how long we stood staring into each other's eyes-but I'm guessing it was a while.
"Stop it!"
John placed his hand on my collar, pulling me backwards so that me and Richelle were no longer staring eye to eye. Frankly he startled me. I couldn't help but jump backwards a little at his roughness.
"I don't want you going anywhere near my daughter, do you understand?"
He threatened. His face was dangerously close to mine. No! You know what? No! I don't feel like I've voiced my opinion at all this evening. So what..if I'm your best friends son. I can date Richelle if I want! I overpowered John-putting a hand against his chest and pushing roughly. He flew backwards, struggling to stay on his feet. I saw a glance of terror wash over his eyes before he realised who I was and what just happened. I glared down at him angrily, clutching my fists tightly.
I screamed. There was a tense atmosphere in the room. From the corner of my eye, I could see Richelle looking at the scene in confusion.
"No! I will not stay away from Richelle! So what if she is standing in just my t-shirt. So what if Richelle sat in my lap. So what if we kissed-"
Shit! Maybe I shouldn't have said that. Umm bad move Noah.
"You kissed Richelle?"
Asked my father questionably. I was about to turn around and answer my fathers question but suddenly...I was pushed back and back until I felt the back of my legs smash against the table. I was pushed forward down onto the table-John towering over me.
"You bastard! How dare you kiss my daughter?!"
Screamed John in my face. I thought earlier he was angry but I guess I was wrong because this was ferocious. His eyes were small and narrow as he stared at me disgusted. He raised his fist. Is he going to hit me?!
"Don't you dare hit him!"
I heard Richelle, Michelle and James call. In a quick flash I was surrounded. James pulled John off me, pushing him down to the floor. While he did that Michelle, Richelle and my mother ran over to me. Jeez. This man is crazy!
"Are you alright?"
Asked Richelle softly, placing a gentle hand on my shoulder. Her eyes showed concern as she rubbed up and down. Did I ever mention how dazzlingly green her eyes were? I probably did at some point. I nodded my head lightly, turning to see the situation between my father and John. There they were, on the floor of the dining room, wrestling each other. Physically wrestling each other! James sat on top of John's hip to keep him down, as he whipped his hands to John's, pulling then down so that they were flush on the ground. What is up with this family? Actually no. What's up with this night? Everything's been going down hill from the moment they arrived. Ugh..I need to help my father. I can't just sit back and watch him get hurt.
I groaned, physically drawing myself up so that I was no longer leaning against the table. I could see that Richelle, Michelle and Riley were looking at me in confusion. I nodded my head down to the floor, indicating what I was about to do. There eyes widened in response.
"No Noah! You are staying right here! I can't have you get hurt.."
My mother argued. And what about my father? What if he gets hurt? I shook off my mothers hand, walking toward John and James.
"! Dad stop!"
I repeated, grabbing onto his shoulders. He struggled against me.
"Go on James..stop. Stop, I dare ya.."
Taunted John, a teasing smile on his face. My father growled, pushing harder against John's arms.
"John you stop it! You stop it now!"
Michelle screamed. This situation is getting out of control. I watched suddenly as John overpowered James, flipping them over so that James was on the bottom. Then..then he stopped. He stepped off James-his grip on his body dropping. Instead of starting round two on James and knocking the living day lights out of him, he simply walked over to the coat hanger and picked up his coat. What is he doing now?
"Richelle. Michelle. Come on! We're leaving!"
He shouted. What? He can leave if he wants but Richelle and Michelle can stay.
"Please..lets just leave. I'm so sick and tired of arguing with everyone. So please...lets just go before I make anything worse.."
He actually sounded sincere and tired. Honestly, at that moment I almost felt bad for him. I mean he was only trying to protective his family. I turned my attention on Richelle and Michelle only to find them looking at each other for answers. Finally Michelle turned to face us.
She started. I could already tell what she was going to say just from the tone of her voice.
Mumbled Riley softly, giving her a weak smile. Michelle nodded her head before walking over to her and developing her into a big hug. While James, Michelle and Riley were preoccupied, Richelle walked over over to me. She stopped when she was standing right in front of me. Suddenly she lifted her head, her eyes hitting with mine as she let out a gentle smile.
She started. I couldn't help but let out a chuckle as she joined in the laughter with me. Without any notice, she leant up and wrapped her arms around me. I was shocked at first but soon relaxed, wrapping my arms around her waist. I felt my t-shirt rise up her legs a little bit at this very moment I didn't mind. This is well...this is nice. Not as nice as our kiss though. After a few minutes we finally let go, Richelle dropping down from her tippy toes onto the flats of her feet. We stood in silence after that. That was until Richelle spoke up.
"You know Noah...I know we didn't get a long at first and then there was that who situation with me sitting on your lap and then the...ya know kiss. But I just want to say that it was nice meeting you. I hope we can meet up sometime...without my father knowing.."
She whispered the last bit so that her father couldn't hear her. It was probably for the best.
"Maybe I could come to your studio in the future, I would love to see you dance. Anyway.."
She stopped her ambling prematurely. Of course she can come to the studio! I would love to see her dance also. Suddenly her hand came to wrap around my neck as she leant up and pressed a gentle kiss on my cheek.
"And don't worry"
She whispered in my ear. I couldn't help but get a tingly feeling all over.
"I'll keep good care of your shirt..."
I could feel her teasing smile against my ears as she teased me once more, probably for the last time this night.
     And so, that was the night Richelle came to dinner. As I watched her walk out of the door, her bright yellow stained dress in one hand and her shoes on the other I couldn't help but think about how much better my life was for the adventure. The adventure of getting to know Richelle. Of course all of this is just a faded memory from a long time ago. Back then I would never have thought that Richelle would accept to be my girlfriend. But here we are now, five years later and happily engaged. It may have took John a while to accept our relationship and be happy for us but he finally realised his little girl had grew up and he needed to release some of his protective grasp. I couldn't be more happy. In my eyes Richelle will always be the girl who sat on my lap. The person who stole my first kiss(she might not know it though) and the first girl to take my breath away.
This is the story of how I met the love of my life.

The end

Bye bye to this book. I will miss you so much, but this is a good thing, I know it ❤️😢😘

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