Chapter 10 || Crying

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Haha thank you so much guys for 3k views on this story. That is amazing, I appreciate every single person who constantly comments and votes on my story. I love you all 💕

After Noah left.
Richelle's PoV
Ugh. What do I do? If I go in there now, I just know I will get question after question. What happened? What did you do? Questions like that would be hurdled towards me without pause, giving me no chance to answer them. Not like I wanted to anyway. Even though, I was dreading that, there was something that I dread more at this very moment. Noah. He just had to do it. Kiss me! Why couldn't he have just held in his emotions? At least until dinner was over. What could be more awkward, than sitting on a chair opposite a person you've just kissed, stealing stupid glances over the wine glasses?
      I'm going to have to go in sooner or later. And really now that I think about it. The longer I take. The more awkward the questions will become. I need help! I need to speak to someone. I need to rant about how I am feeling. I need-PING! Huh? What was that? PING! There it was again! I'm sure I've heard that sound before. Wait! I reached down into the pocket of my dress and whipped out my phone. Ah. There I saw on the lock screen two messages, both from Sloane.

'Cute guy? OMG. How cute? Like boyish cute. Like the sort of cute that he would take you to the movies and then walk you home and meet your parents. Or hot cute. Like man cute. The sort of cute that would take you to a posh restaurant and then bring you back to his apartment, where you would have some drinks and then fu-'

Sloane! Let's end that there, shall we? Ugh. Of course she would respond with that. She's like a boy magnetic. No boy can resist her. Not like she minds anyway..

'Richelle! Answer me. The anticipation is killing me. I need details!'

Read the second text. Oh gosh! She really sounds excited. She's probably just happy that I'm finally showing a slight interest in a boy. Honestly though, she probably thought I was going to be a virgin at ninety. Just because I'm not really focused on boys much right now doesn't mean I won't be later on. Or now.
Noah. It just had to be Noah, didn't it? My parents best friends son. It's sounds to good to be true. Like it should be the plot of a movie or a book. It's doesn't sound real. The pressure of holding in all my thoughts and feelings is really staring to affect me. Physically and mentally. I know I ask this question a lot but really..what am I going to do? The longer I sit here. The longer I'm getting myself worked up into a frenzy. It's ridiculous! Ugh. I feel like crying. Actually..wait. I lifted my hand up to my cheek and felt at my skin. Wet? Oh god! I am crying. This can't get any worse. Now my make-ups going to get ruined and I'm going to get asked more questions. Fuck my life! I want my bed. I want a hug. I just want out of here.
      I listened carefully to the voices coming from the dining room, hoping that they were talking about some random topic and not me and Noah. However I know I'm not that lucky. Riley has probably spilt something about what she saw me and Noah doing. I heard laughter from James. It's sounds like they're having a good time. Ugh. What am I doing? Sulking that's what! That's not like me. I'm strong. I'm resilient. I'm Richelle! And I'm certainly not going to sit here moping! I got up and walked over to the door. Oh shit! What about Sloane? Ugh, she can wait. I put my phone back into my pocket. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, preparing myself. After a few minutes I opened then again. Here goes nothing..
    I grasped at the handle and pulled the door open, revealing myself to an audience of my parents, James and Riley, and lastly him. All conversation stopped as they turned to stare at me.
"Sweetie..are you alright? Your eyes are red. Have you been crying?"
Asked my mother softly in concern. Oh..'that'. I forgot that I had cried. Ugh. How am I supposed to deal with this? There's no way I'm telling them I was crying over a boy. I gave her a soft smile before joining her at the table. Oh great! Of course I'm sat opposite Noah. Let's just hope he doesn't look over to me. Ugh. He just did. Okay I can solve this. I moved my wine glass over so it rested in the middle of the table. Let's see him try and make awkward eye contact now. I felt a gentle hand on my shoulder.
"Richelle. You never answered my question"
Responded Michelle, her eyebrows furrowed. Umm...what's a good excuse?
"I..uh...hay fever! Yes that's right. I've got a little bit of hay fever. It irritated my eyes making them red.."
I told her quickly, sniffling a little to really sell the act. She did not look convinced.
"Hay fever inside? I've never heard of that before. Have you Riley?"
Said James, taking a sip of his wine. His eyes glistened with mischief as he directed a question to his wife. Riley's eyes widened in response.
"I..I think I've heard of a few cases. Very rare though.."
She responded hesitantly. Oh thank goodness Riley. Hopefully they believed her!
"But you don't have hay fever sweetie. And if you did I think either me or your father would have noticed sooner.."
Said my mother, looking over to her husband. He gave her a gentle smile in return. Shit! How am I supposed to explain this?
I started. Everyone looked over to me expectantly.
"I heard on the news that the pollen in the air has been increased recently due to the weather. A few of the spores most have come through the open window in the hall. I think I remember hearing in science that they travel though air using wind. It's been awfully windy since the storm..."
Said a voice confidently. Huh? I turned to the voice only to see Noah looking over the glass to me. He's helping me? Why is he doing that?
"Isn't that fascinating!"
Responded Riley, a genuine smile on her face. Although I could still see some traces of worry behind her eyes. I nodded my head.
"Yes. Yes that must be it.."
I told my mother softly. She raised her eyebrows in thought. Please believe me.
"If you are sure.."
She mumbled. I nodded my head profusely.
"Alright I believe you.."
She said with a smile. Oh thank goodness! I can't believe I got away with that. Jame clapped his hands to get everyone's attention.
'Well now that that is sorted. Why don't we eat?"
He said eagerly eyeing the food. Umm now that he mentioned it. I am hungry.

Bad ending and I rambled to much at the start but enjoy anyways
1288 words

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