Chapter 12 || His clothes

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I'm so sorry it's been a while since I updated. I hope you enjoy this chapter though, I made it long to make up for my late updates. Over 2000 words!

Riley's PoV
"Ah here we are...just around this corner"
I explained, flickering a hand over to a door at the end of the corridor. The bathroom. I walk up the stairs, Michelle and Richelle in tow.
"I'm must apologise again for what James did.."
I say sincerely, glancing behind me to Richelle. The sauce had dried into her hair and clothes, probably staining them completely. Her dress was ruined. Red splotches adorned mainly the front of her bright yellow dress around her cleavage. Ugh. James! You will never learn will you? This is just like that time he spilt fizzy drink on my leggings right before meeting his parents. I physically looked like I wet myself. A sixteen year old who had wet herself. I felt my face grow red at the thought. That memory still haunts me to this day. Not one of my finest moments. Not like this one at the moment could be classed as less traumatic. Poor Richelle. She must be humiliated.
" it's alright, honestly!"
She replied, with a bright smile. Funny thing is, I don't think she was lying. Huh? Who honesty is 'alright' at having tomato sauce flung at them?

Richelle's PoV
" it's alright, honestly!"
I replied, caking on a wide grin. I watched as Riley cocked her eyebrow in disbelief at what I had said before continuing the descent up the stairs. The same stairs from before. The ones where me and Noah..well you know. Or at least you should. Anyway. I'm honestly not that worried about having sauce all down me. Or the fact that I probably looked disgusting in my current state. I hated this dress! Ever since I tried it on in the shop. But of course mum doted me saying 'You look stunning. That one definitely. That is the dress' and we had to buy it. It's not an ugly dress, it's's not me.
     Soon we reached the top of the stairs. I watched as Riley walked forward along the hallway until she reached a door at the very end of the corridor. She put her hand on the door handle and twisted it, revealing a pristine white bathroom. It was massive! Not like I expected any differently from the looks of the rest of the house. A lone bath sat in the corner, far bigger than any other standard tub. Beside it stood proudly was a shower and towel rack. On the other side of the room, a pure white toilet and sink stood together along with a mirror. The walls were a pure marble white. It was a really pretty bathroom. If such a place can even be called beautiful.
       Riley walked further into the room and leant down on her knees, pulling out wipes and a towel from a little set of drawers beside the bath that I had somehow overlooked. She closed the drawers before turning to stare up at me and mum. I almost forgot mum was even with us. She's being strangely quiet. If it wasn't for her small hand on my shoulder in comfort, I wouldn't have even believed she was in the same room as us. I watched as Riley glanced up and down at me-horrified.
"Oh god! It's even worse than I thought. I couldn't see the full damage out in the hallway. The lights are so dim. I'm always telling James to change them. He still hasn't though. I must get back at him and tell him about..sorry."
During her little rant, Riley had turned off to look at something in the distance. She soon realised what she had done, quickly turning back to us-face red.
"Anyway, now when I see you in this harsh light I can see how much worse the sauce actually is. Can I just apologise once more? I will make sure the your dress is dry cleaned and back to you soon as possible, for free. All expenses paid for-"
She was soon cut off by my mother, her rambling once again cut short. Another thing I've noticed about Riley apart from her need for perfection is her complete humbleness and need to please everyone. That plus her rambling.
"Shush Ri, there's no need. James didn't mean it, it was an accident. It's fine!"
Reassured Michelle, walking forward and rubbing a hand down her arm. From behind my mums bright blonde hair, I watched as Riley let out a sigh of relief, a sincere smile planted firmly on her lips.
"Thank you Mitchie!"
She responded, pulling her arms loosely around Michelle and giving her a hug. They released soon after, staring into each other's eyes for a few seconds. I feel like I might need to interrupt them if I ever want this tomato sauce off me. You remember when I said I didn't mind having the sauce everywhere? Yeah? Well now I do. It's drying into my skin, making it itchy.
I coughed to get their attention. They turned to me soon after, looking at me with expectation.
"Can I get this sauce off me now?"
I asked softly, pointing a finger to the sauce drying on my arm. They let out a sigh before rushing forward. I was pushed onto the edge of the bath tub-my mother and Riley on either side. They both took a wipe and started to drag it up and down my arm. The wet cool liquid, was rubbed harshly against the red splotches on my arms. It was completely quiet as both women focused in their task. With one arm being held down by my mother and the other by Riley I was made almost completely powerless, unable to wiggle either arm in avoid of moving and disturbing their work. Earning an unpleased 'tut' and sigh of annoyance if I did. 
"So..which one of you is going to explain what actually happened?"
Asked my mother, a cheeky smile placed on her lips. Huh? I looked at her in confusion.
"Don't give me that look sweetie"
She replied at the my expression.
"Riley told me something happened when she came went up to all you and Noah down for dinner and I want to know what it was"
She told me expectantly. Riley did what?! I felt my face turn red as I turned to look at Riley. Her eyes were small and her cheeks pink. She looked at me, biting her lip. Shit! Okay. I can deal with this. I'll just play dumb.
"Pwssh. What-haha..nothing happened. Riley just walked in on me and Noah talking that's all.."
I replied hesitantly, a nervous smile playing on my lips as I looked up at my mother. I tried my hardest to be believing but of course my mother saw right through it. She cocked an eyebrow, looking at me with a disbelieving look.
"Really sweetie? If you honestly think I'm going to believe that, then you are severely wrong. I was a teenager once, I know how to lie and to know when a lie is being told. So...what happened?"
She asked, an excited smile gracing her features as she rubbed on a little bit of sauce on my arm. I should have known. My mother loves gossip, of course she would want to know the latest drama concerning her daughter and one of her friends sons. What do I tell her? I don't think she will believe me if I tell another lie.
"What was it? It couldn't be that bad or Richelle would have been as red as a tomato coming in for dinner. You couldn't have walked in on them having sex. Or anything else concerning that topic. Or could you? Kissing? Talking? A little fun under the blankets?.."
She listed, wiggling her eyebrows at the last suggestion as she openly directed her question to Riley. Mum! Maybe that little time spent with James has really rubbed off on her. I never knew she could be personal? I don't think it was possible but I felt my cheeks turn even redder. Someone..please save me from this torture! I closed my eyes hoping that this would all go away. Suddenly I heard Riley speak.
"You're right."
She responded blankly. I opened my eyes, turning to look at Riley then over to mum. My mother had cocked her eyebrow in confusion.
"You caught them doing the nasty underneath the sheets?"
My mum asked in disbelief. No! No she did not! I turned to Riley quickly hoping she would fix her mistake. I was surprised when Riley let out a little giggle.
'No of course not. If I did, do you honestly believe Noah would still be sitting at that table down there"
She said with laughter. I watched as my mother joined in too-letting out a chuckle. I know this is not the right time but it's nice to see my mother joke about with one of her old friends. It was almost like I wasn't here and they were just two friends catching up.
"It wasn't that bad. You're right. I caught Richelle on his lap, that's all. I probably over reacted a little. I mean they are seventeen. They aren't little kids anymore. It was probably expected"
She laughed, rubbing her wet wipe against my skin. The way they were talking, it's almost like they forgot I was in the room with them. Riley glanced down at my arm, before looking at the wipe.
"The way you were acting Riley made me think it was so much worse. Like a kiss or something like that"
Michelle replied. I tilted my head down into my lap so that they couldn't see my red face. What they don't know won't kill them. I'm definitely not telling them about the kiss at the moment. Luckily they never saw my face. I heard Riley let out a groan before flinging her wet wipe into the bin.
"This is not working, the wipes are hardly getting any of the sauce off. You should take a shower sweetie, that will probably work better"
Said Riley giving me a gentle smile. What?! A shower! No I can't do that! All my make up would come off. I shook my head, no.
"No honestly it's alright. I'll get the sauce off"
I broke free from their clutches, reaching down and grabbing a wipe, dragging it up and down my arm ferociously. It was soon pulled out of my hands by my mother who placed it into the bin.
"Riley's right sweetie. You'll feel much better after a shower. Come on Riley, let's leave her to it"
Said my mother, getting up from her perch in the bath tub, walking toward the door. I watched as Riley repeated her actions, following her. No wait-! I'm okay honestly. I was about to shout out and tell them that when the door closed. Great! I thought sarcastically. I let my arms relax as I was left in the quiet of the bathroom. Just when I thought I was alone, Riley peered through the door. In her hands, clutched tightly was a bunch of clothes. She walked forward placing them beside me on the tub.
"These are for after. Noah's clothes. Since you seem to like them so much"
She replied cheekily walking out the door once more. I felt my mouth drop at her choice of words. Really? Noah's clothes? I'm sure some of hers would have fit me. She is doing this on purpose. Probably to see the reaction from Noah. I looked over at them before reaching out and pulling the top item from the pile. It unfolded in my hands and I soon noticed it was green baseball top. The fabric was soft and light. Shit! I just remembered I have no bra. I didn't need one with my dress. Let's just hope the top isn't to see through. I suppose I could just use my hair to cover myself. It is long enough. I placed the top over the side of the bath tub before letting out a sigh.
     So...that was eventful. My mother now knows what happened in the bedroom between me and Noah. At least she doesn't know about the kiss on the stairs. I can't believe she was cool with it though. Let's hope she doesn't tell dad. He would go crazy if he knew! Ugh. I guess I should probably go shower. I do feel disgusting in this dress. And having tomato sauce in my hair is definitely not the most pleasing thing in the world. Shower time!

I can't never end a chapter but anyway. I think the next chapter might be one with the boys. I'll see you next time
2168 words

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