Chapter 7 || Noah!

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Okay I've got to admit...this is pretty bad. I wanted to upload a chapter but this ended up just being terrible.

Riley's Pov
I yelled. Oh god. What did I just interrupt? I watched as Richelle jumped up from my sons lap, her face red in embarrassment. Where they about to-? No..they couldn't have. They've only know each other an hour! By god, Noah works fast! He's more like his father than I thought. I crossed my arms and tapped my foot against the floor.
"We...we were just..umm..ah.."
Noah uttered nervously. Poor boy. He has no idea what I'm going to do to him. I need to teach him a lesson.
"You were just doing 'what', Noah?"
I asked, my face blank of any expression at all. I watched as Noah and Richelle looked back and forth between them.
"It was my fault, Mrs Tordjman"
Piped Richelle, walking forward. Huh? Really? She looked down at her hands, twiddling her fingers.
"I..I was only having a little fun. I was bored you see. I thought by sitting on Noah's lap, I could get some sort of reaction from him and the night would be a little less awkward and boring."
She told me, her eyes flickering to Noah before looking back at me. So that's why she was on his lap? Hmm. I don't completely think that's the real reason but I have no other evidence to believe it might not be. I sighed, dropping my passive expression.
"That's okay Richelle. I believe you."
I watched as relief flooded into both of their faces as they relaxed their former tense bodies.
I started. They turned to stare at me once more, their faces growing with concern after every single second.
" are seventeen! What would have happened if I hadn't of walked in? Huh Noah?"
I asked, looking towards my son. He shrugged his shoulders. I believe he knows the answer.
"You were about to kiss! Anything could have happened. One thing leads to another and then..then we have a problem on our hands"
I tell them both. They look down at their feet in embarrassment.
"We weren't going to do anything. I promise you. I wouldn't have taken it that far.."
Mumbled Noah, never taking his eyes away form the floor. Wasn't going to do anything? I heard your father earlier. If what he says about our sex drives is true then I know more would have happened if I hadn't of walked in. There's no way I'm allowing them to look at their feet in shame. I'm going to be a mother.
I walked forward to Noah and picked his chin up with my finger, making him look in my eyes. After a few minutes I tore away, grabbed his arm before walking over to Richelle. There I grabbed her arm too, dragging them over to the bed. I dropped down on the bed pulling them with me-one on either side.
"Mum..what are you doing?"
Asked Noah in confusion. I'm going to teach them a little bit about life.
"I'm going to give you the talk.."
I said calmly. I watched as their eyes widened in shock.
"No, no that's alright. My mum already had this wi-"
Richelle started, however she was soon cut off by Noah.
"Mum! I do not need the bird and the bees talk. Not now!"
Exclaimed Noah passionately. Even though I know the Internet has taught him more about sex and relationships that even I could...sometimes mothers know best.
"Noah! It's my duty to teach you in the benefits and consequences of sex.."
Groaned Noah, dragging out my name. I felt a gentle tap on my shoulder. I turned to Richelle.
"Mrs Tordjman..I'm not really comfortable talking about this.."
She said softly, her face turning slightly pink. She looked down at her hands in embarrassment. Ugh. I can't do this. It's much as Michelle's and John's job to teach Richelle about sex as it mine and James job to teach Noah. It's their problem.
I feigned in defeat. A look of relief once more came upon their face. Of course they're relieved. Even I know that having the 'talk' can be awkward. It sure was for me and Emily. To this day I still don't understand why it was my father who gave me the chat and not my mother. Sometimes things are better when everyone is the same gender. Sometimes...
"Now I'm going to leave...but! That doesn't mean I'm done Noah. Later okay? Me and your father are going to talk to you"
I say confidently. I'm not talking no for an answer.
"Yes mum.."
Replied Noah complacently. I gently pat his leg.
"Good son!"
I guess that's my cue to go. I got up onto my feet before walking hesitantly towards the door. I'm sure I'm forgetting something. Of what could it be? What did I come up here for again? Hmm...oh yes! Dinner! I turn around to face them for the last time.
"Oh before I leave. Dinner is nearly done. Come down soon and don't get into to much trouble while I'm gone."
I tease. I've got to end it on a good note or else dinner around the table would be very awkward. I place a hand on the door handle before pulling it open. With one last look behind me I step out before closing the door.
I did it. I left two teenagers who were just about to kiss on their own. Somehow I feel I may have did something I may regret....but for now, I think I regret something else. Leaving the dinner, out in the open. I'd be surprised if there is still any left by the time James gets his hands on it. By god, he can eat!

I feel bad even uploading this chapter. I blame my tiredness for the bad writing. I hope you enjoyed reading it anyway!
1005 words

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