Chapter 6 || His room

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Ah!! I can't stop smiling 😀😭
Today has been so good! Firstly I've finished school and then I wake up to that 👆

Noah's PoV
Here goes nothing. I twist the handle of my door and let the bright light from the corridor slowly drift into it. You want to know one of the reasons why I didn't want to let her come upstairs? Well...I may have lied. To my mother I mean. I told her I had cleaned up when in reality-I hadn't. room is a mess. Opened drawers with clothes spilling over the front. Bed sheets rustled and uneven. Paper and stationary, haphazardly placed on my desk and the floor around it. What were you expecting? I'm a teenage boy for gods sake! I don't have time to clean my room.
I hear Richelle sigh in disgust so I turn to her. She is looking around the room, her eyebrows furrowed and eyes wide in worry about what she might find. Actually now that I think about it...please do not find any of my underwear. That would make this situation more awkward than it already is. Come on! I'm not denying that getting told where the spare condoms where or my mum implying I had did some stuff under my sheets was not bad. But underwear. There..well I don't know..supposed to be unseen, that's why they are under your clothes. It's sort of private.
I watch as Richelle kicks an empty bottle away from her feet with her heels. How do girls do that in such impractical shoes. No actually, the real question do they walk?
"Well...I can't say that this is a surprise. You could have cleaned up before we came over, you know?"
She asked in destain, her eyes glancing over to an over spilling bin in the corner beside my desk. How dare she-? Nope Noah. Stay calm.
"And how exactly was I supposed to know that my mother would tell me to bring you upstairs? I'm not a freaking mind reader!"
I told her bluntly. She turned to stare at me, one eyebrow cocked and her arms crossed against her chest making her brea-stop! Just stop! She's pretty, I get it! But..I can't like her in that way. She's my parents best friends daughter for gods sake!
"You are really rude!"
What? I'm rude? What about you? I could feel my eyes widen in shock at her choice of words.
"How am I rude?!"
I ask her inquisitively. I want know the answer! How can I be classed as rude? She softly rubbed her hand up and down her arm.
"You just are.."
She mumbled. Well that's not a good answer, is it? I get it. She got herself in to deep and now she doesn't know how to come up with a better comeback.
"Just forget about it!"
She said exasperated, dropping herself onto my bed ungracefully. She jolted up and down for a few seconds before stopping. I watched as her face turned down into confusion. Oh what now? She leant forward and let her hand drift to the space beneath her bottom, pulling out a piece of fabric. I recognise that...oh shit!
"Oh! Ewww!"
She yelled in disgust, throwing them to the other side of the room. Ugh. I can't believe she found them! My underwear. The one thing I never wanted her to find. I watched as she shivered, wiping the hands that touched the garment on my bed sheets rapidly. I couldn't help but let out a chuckle. She turned to me in confusion.
She asked softly. Oh god. I can feel the laughter bubbling in my belly. I...I can't believe...that she is such..such a clean freak! The laughter spills out of my mouth rapidly.
"What? What is so funny?!"
She asked again and again. Each time she became more and more annoyed until finally she snapped.
"Now do you see what I mean by rude! Laughing at me without a reason.."
She feigned, letting out a sigh. Oh I have a reason. Once the multiple of giggles had died down a little, I turned to face her.
"You're such a clean freak! You don't even seem like the type."
I told her, a smile evident on my face. She cocked an eyebrow and crossed her arms once more.
"I am not! It's your underwear. How else am I supposed to react? Especially after what your mother told us in the hall. Remember Noah? You like to spend a lot of time in your room."
She started off defending herself however by the end she was just teasing me. Ugh. How dare she bring up what my mother said again?
"So what do you do Noah"
She asked. Huh?
"Play video games like you said? a little adult material and have a little fun under the blankets?"
She teased again, giving me a wink. Wha-? I'm...I'm lost for words. Maybe she'll get on better with my father than I expected. That last statement was the only confirmation I needed to realise that she had the same sick humour as James. I felt my mouth open in shock.
"Oh Noah"
She sighed, getting up from her spot on my bed to walk over to me at my office chair. She stopped in front of me, looking me up and down. I licked my lips. When did they get this dry? I watched as she dropped gracefully on top my lap. What?! What the fuck is she doing? I could feel my face heat up and she put a hand on my cheek.
"You're going a little red Noah. Have I finally discovered the true bedroom activities of Noah? Are you going to admit it?"
She whispered in my ear. Oh..oh god! She needs to stop. Like right now! I shook my head to clear my thoughts.
"Why..why are you doing this?"
I asked her my voice cracking in the middle. She rubbed her thumb against my cheek and looked into my eyes. Was her eyes always that green?
" be truthful with you."
She pondered with a hum. After a few seconds of silence she piped up again.
"I'm bored."
She said blankly. She's bored? So she's sitting on my lap? Woah. This girl is a weird one. Weirder than any other I had met at The Next Step. I gave her a confused expression.
"Give me something to do Noah"
She asked. Like what? There are things racing around my mind that I can't even think about possibly doing.
"What's your favourite colour?"
What? How did we get on to this topic?
"I'm bored Noah and I want something to do. I'm going to ask you some questions and you are going to answer."
She said bluntly. Okay? I suppose this could be fun.
I replied. She turned to look at me in surprise, causing her dress to rub against my trousers. I couldn't help but gulp.
"Really? Is it because of my eyes?"
She teased, fluttering her eyelashes. No! Greens been my colour for years. I nodded my head, no.
"Oh..that's a shame. Umm..apart from video games what else do you like to do?"
She asked inquisitively. How would have thought that a girl I met only half my hour ago would be sitting on my lap? She must be bored.
"I like to dance. Ballet to be specific"
I told her. I watched as her eyes widened in surprise.
Yes really. Ugh. I shouldn't have told her that she probably thinks in a freak now. A boy who does ballet.
"Yeah. My parents own a dance studio. I've practically grown up with it all my life."
I said not looking in her eyes. I hate to admit it. But I feel..feel sort of ashamed.
"Wow. That's...that's really cool! I never would have thought you did it. I'll tell you a secret, shall I?"
She said her eyes full of wonder. She thinks it's cool? I wasn't expecting that. A secret? I'm curious.
"I dance too!"
She told me with excitement. She does? I..I wouldn't even had known. I wonder if she is any good..
I turned to look into her eyes. I suddenly met with her sparkling green. I don't know what happened but we started to lean closer and closer and closer...

I hope you enjoyed even though I did a crappy ending.

*Okay so I normally don't do this but I was asked to give a shoutout. The person was really nice about it so I thought they deserved it. The person is @nobodycares1701
They have a book about the next generation of steppers. They really wants opinions on the book to allow them to grow as a writers and develop their book. Go check then out on their profile ☺️*

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