Chapter 8 || Unexpected

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Welcome back to chapter eight of 'Parents'. Seeing all these pictures of the girls at Prom is really making me miss mine. All the girls look beautiful, I'm so jealous because I did not look like that. Haha, well I hope you enjoy

Richelle's PoV
What-what just happened? Did Noah's mum really try to give us the 'talk'? Seriously?
"I did tell you they were weird.."
Mumbled Noah, his face flushed red. I gathered that. Noah's parents were destined for each other. James has no sense of privacy for anything and Riley...well Riley. What can I say? I suppose she is just trying to be a good parent, but the 'talk'. That is one of the most awkward conversations any child can have with their parents and she chose to have it in front of a girl. A girl, that hardly even knows the family!
"Yeah..yeah you could say that again.."
I sighed, trailing my eyes around the room, desperate for them to not hit against his and cause anymore embarrassment. I heard him shuffle beside me. Why? Why did she have to come in at that moment? I mean...I know why. Dinner is ready.
     I was finally getting somewhere with Noah. He was opening up! For that one moment, I could see him for real. His facade of arrogance, nervousness and hostility had collapsed, and he was speaking to me as 'him'. I learnt so much in such little time! He's a dancer! Never did I actually! Why was I going to say 'never did I believe he would do dance'? His parents are dancers. They own a dance studio. It would be weird if he didn't do some sort of dance like his parents.
"We should probably mum said. Dinners ready.."
He told me, lifting himself from the bed to walk towards the door. For some reason I didn't follow him.
"Are you coming?"
He asked inquisitively, stopping inches from the open door. I-I need a little time to think before I face my parents and his once more. I feel weird. I need to speak to Sloane!
"Yeah..yeah I am. You go on ahead. I'll be down in a minute..promise!"
I exclaimed, giving him a small smile. He didn't look sure. He looked between me and the door.
"I can't just leave you. Our parents would wonder why you weren't with me. They'd start asking questions.."
Ugh, he's right. They would start asking questions. Unusual questions, awkward questions. What do I do? I really need to speak to Sloane. I suppose...suppose I could just text her. I whipped my phone out of from the pocket at the side of my dress (thank goodness I got a dress with pockets) and unlocked it, typing a quick message to Sloane.

At dinner party. Cute guy. Awkward parents. HELP ME!

That will have to do. It's very vague and terribly short, but it's the best I can do at the moment. I can practically feel Noah's eyes burning into my skin, waiting for me to say something. It's time to go I guess. I stood up on my heels and walked over to where he was standing, my phone still clutched in my palm.
"Who were you texting?"
Asked Noah, glancing down at my phone. Well..isn't he nosey.
"Does it matter? It wasn't anyone you would have known anyway.."
I told him. He flinched back a little, his eyes widening. Oh god, I hope I didn't sound rude.
"You'd be surprised at how many people you meet when you're a dancer. I'm surprised I haven't met you sooner. Surely you've been to competitions in the area.."
Umm, he's got a point. How have I never met him before? I've been to dance competitions all my life and not once did I see him or his parents, not even 'The Next Step'. Maybe I was always in the wrong place at the wrong time. Or maybe I was just an oblivious kid, to focused on dance to see what was right in front of me.
"Umm..I'm surprised too. I did go to competitions but I never saw you. Anyways what the point dwelling on the past. Our parents are bound to be getting worried. They probably think we are doing something we shouldn't.."
I teased, trying to lighten the mood. I think it worked. I saw a small smile crack on his face. I like it when he smiles, it's so much better.
"You coming."
I said, nodding my head towards the door. He once again looked back between the door and me. After a while he stopped, looked at me and extending his hand out. Ah! So the hand is back. Only half an hour ago, he was doing the exact same gesture. However, everything is different now. I know Noah better now. His hand is not a scary thought.
     I looked down at his hand before grabbing it. Just like before it was rough and big, encasing my hand fully. I was so afraid before to get close to him. I've never had a friend who was a boy. Sure there is the boys at the studio but I've known them since I was little. Noah was new and intriguing. He gripped onto my hand tighter before dragging me out into the hallway. There once again I couldn't help but stare at the pictures on the wall. I'm still confused about the one containing my mother. She has never talked about it before. I've never asked about her dance career. I probably should...
     Suddenly I felt my left foot stop with a jolt. Huh? I looked down towards it only to find my heel trapped in a little crack in the floor. How ironic? I thought I was supposed to be holding Noah's hand to stop me from falling in the cracks. I softly started to push against the shoe, trying to get it out. It wobbled and shifted but did not come out. Ugh, come on shoe! I pushed harder and harder and watched as it slowly but surely started to come out. And then...then it happened. My foot became unstuck. The force I had put in trying to pull it out, propelled me forward and I lost my balance. I let out a squeal and watched as Noah turned to face me. I know the outcome to this. I'm going to fall and Noah's going to catch me at the last minute. And so that's what happened. And now we stand in the middle of the stairs; his arms wrapped tightly around my waist and my hand clutching relentlessly to his shirt. Our faces millimetres away, I can feel his breath against my lips.
And then he did it. Made the first move and pushed our lips together. My first kiss. Somehow I imagined it differently, every little girl does. But this..this was still good. I let my eyes flutter close. His lips were soft and a little chaste, as he pushed against mine. He...he is so gentle. It took me by surprise. He softly rubbed a hand up and down the bare skin of my arm, causing little goosebumps to trail in its wake. Eventually he let go, leaving me in a quivering mess. My first kiss! I'll need to tell Sloane. She's always pestering me. 'You're seventeen for gods sake and never kissed a boy. That's insane!" She would feign over and over. Ha! I finally did it! Well no..he did it. I wouldn't have had the courage.
I allowed my eyes to flutter open, only to find him staring at me with a mixture of emotions all held in his eyes. Delight. Nervousness. Panic. He licked his lips and I did mine. I could still taste him on my lips. What...what do we do now? Oh god! I never thought of the aftermath of kissing. Do we go our separate ways? We certainly can't do that! Shit! I have to sit at a dinner table with him. We just kissed! That's going to be awkward.
"Richelle? Noah? Is that you I hear? Come on! Dinners out on the table.."
I heard Riley yell. Ugh. I felt Noah's arms loosen as he carefully made sure I was stable on the step above him.
"I'm so sorry..I should never have don't that.."
He said looking down at his feet. He feels guilty and embarrassed. I can tell. He doesn't need to be.
"I'll see you at dinner.."
He muttered before quickly running down the stairs. I wanted desperately to call after him but my mouth didn't want to open. Somehow I think I'm glad. If I did call after him, what would I say? That was my first kiss. Your lips tasted like peppermint. No, no I couldn't! Ugh. How in hell am I going to get through dinner? I need more than ever to talk to Sloane. She'd know what to do! For now..I guess I will have to see what the future will hold.

Haha bad ending but wasn't that a surprise. They kissed! I actually enjoyed writing this more than the last so I'm happy
1543 words

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