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So my alarm went off I took a shower & stuff & ate a granola bar b4 my sister dropped Josh & Ashton off . I also woke up my parents wen she pulled up 😂💀. But I txt rayden

Convo :

Rayden 💘🏈😋✨- goodmorning baby ✨

Him : morning see you at school Ma 😋

Ion ride the bus my daddy bought me a BMW 😍😍

I drop my nephews & niece off at school of course 😭so I have to drive the speed limit 🙄🙄

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I drop my nephews & niece off at school of course 😭so I have to drive the speed limit 🙄🙄. But my outfit in the mm 👆👆

Happily ever after Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora