One Direction Bullied Me

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"Why did you bother coming to school today?" I herd someone yell as I was shoved to the ground.

I knew who it was. It was Harry Styles and his gang, Niall Horan, Louis Tomlinson, Zayn Malik, and Liam Payne.

"Why did you even bother living today?" Another one shouted

That's a good question. I don't know, I ask myself that a lot.

"P-please s-s-stop" I whispered. Not that it would make any difference

"What? I didn't quite catch that?" Everyone laughed. I don't know why but they thought it was funny.

"P-please s-s-stop" I said a bit louder, not much.

"P-please s-s-stop" Harry mimicked me and again everyone laughed

"Shut up you stupid hoe." Louis said "your making my head hurt"

The bell rang and they all walked away, each one kicking me in the gut when they passed me.


The only class I didn't have with Harry was first period English. This was my favorite class not only because Harry wasn't in it, but because I LOVED to read and write. The only bad thing about this class was that it went by too fast.

The bell rang. Great second period, P.E. {note my sarcasm}

"Today class I will be assigning you partners. You will be working with this person for the rest of the year" Coach Parker said

I had this class with all five boys, Louis, Niall, Liam, Zayn, and Harry. I was bound to be paired up with one of them, though I didn't mind Niall, Liam, and Zayn all that much, I mean yes they were annoying, and Zayn could be mean, but they were never mean to me like Harry and Louis were.

"Niall your with Zayn" they both smiled and high fives each other

"Liam your with Ed" they copied Niall and Zayns actions

"Patricia your with Louis" Patricia squealed and ran over to Louis.

"Harry your with Brey" oh shit, oh shit, no,no,no,no,no. This cannot be happening. I'm with Harry Styles, the boy whose bullied me for four years. Why me?

I looked over at Harry who wore the same shocked expression as I did.

"No Mr. Parker please" I begged

"Sorry Brey" he said

After he finished telling everyone who their partner was he told us what we would be doing.

"Your first task will be a project on heathy living. Get to work"


~Harry's point of view~

I was partnered up with Brey. This was great and terrible at the same time.

I've been in love with her for such a long time and for just as long as I've loved her, I've bullied her.

How could I be so horrible and rude. I've always been the nice one.

I never knew how to act around her.

She made my heart beat faster

My legs turn to jelly

She made me breathe faster

She made me so nervous

I was never nervous in front of girls, well once I got into high school I wasn't.

One Direction Bullied Me (Harry Styles)Where stories live. Discover now