Be mine

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I woke up to ice cold water being thrown on me.

I squealed and jumped up.

"What are you doing in bed with her" Louis said pointing at me

"Sleeping" Harry replied with anger in his voice

"Why would you even want to be near her" Louis said with a discussed look on his face

"Why do you care" Harry remarked

"Because she is...her" Louis groaned

I felt the tears coming

"God Lou shut the fuck up" Harry said rubbing his head "Your making my head hurt"

Louis gasped and all the boys -except Niall- looked at him as if he just murdered someone

Louis looked at me "You are a discussing whore. No one likes you, Harry just feels bad for you because he used to be like you. You are hidious, I would give you a mirror but I'm afraid you'll break it. Why don't you go slit your wrists some more and ask for attention. Huh?"

I started to cry and ran out of Harry's house.

I got to my house and slammed the door.

I looked around and no one was home.

I ran to my room.


~Harry's point of view~

I looked a Loui with anger.

I balled my hands up into fists and ran over to Louis.

"Ok Harry now ge-" before he could finish his sentence I grabbed the collar of his shirt and threw him against the wall.

"Whoa Harry, why do you care for that thing so much?" Louis asked

"That "thing" is named Brey. Why do you not care about her?" I spat

"Ya Loui what did she do to you? Niall asked

"Butt out Niall" Louis said "Harry get off of me"

I let go of Louis's shirt

"Do you like her?" Louis asked

"Ya. Do you have a problem with that?" I asked

"Well don't hang out with me anymore. I'm no longer your friend" he sai

"Oh, are we in third grade now" I said annoyed

Louis glared at me "C'mon boys" he said heading out if my room

They looked at me hesitantly but followed Louis.

I sighed and sat on my bed.

"Don't worry mate." I herd an Irish voice say

"I've got your back" he said sitting next to me

I looked up at Niall "Thanks mate. at least your still my friend"

Niall has been my friend for as long as I can remember. He was the only one -until now- to know about my feelings for Brey.

"Let's go get her" Niall said throwing me a shirt and some pants

I put them on "Let's go"


I knocked on the door to Breys house




No answer

One Direction Bullied Me (Harry Styles)Where stories live. Discover now