Chapter 19

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I've been stuck in this hell hole for five weeks, and I was itching to get out of here. The only thing that made this place bearable, was Harry. I know it sounds cheesy, but its true. 

"Are you ready to go" a nurse asked

I nodded, still unable to talk (I can talk, but the doctor said not to).

"Well lets take you down" she smiled

She walked behind me and gripped the handles of my wheelchair and wheeled me to the lifts. We made It to the lobby where my mum and Harry were waiting for me. I smiled my best smile as I inched closer to them. The smiled at me and tears filled my mums eyes. Please dont cry, please dont cry. I silently pleaded for my mum to keep it together. I could feel the corners of my mouth slowly tugging downward, I couldnt keep this smile on my face. I really didnt know what there was to be happy about anymore. My heart no longer fluttered when I saw Harry. I didnt get excited when he looked at me. His smile had no effect on me like it used to. I didnt feel sorry for my mum, I didnt have the need to always hug her. Everything seemed to be falling apart. Whilst  was in the hospital, I thought, a lot. When I wasnt happy to see Harry was when I started to wonder. I started to feel less and less happy being around people, until eventually, I just wanted to be alone. I didnt know what happened, I just knew I was slipping away, and I couldnt catch myself.

"Whats wrong" Harrys voice cut through my thoughts

I shook my head

He looked at me and frowned, concern filled his eyes. I know he knew something was up, he just didnt know what, and the longer I could keep it that way, the better.

When Harry first left, I remember, I needed him so bad. So, so bad. But know, if he left, I dont even think it would matter. I know even if he stays a bit longer, I wouldnt talk to him. I'm not planing on talking to anyone. 

I was wheeled out of the car, and slowly my anxiety started to build. The closer to the car we got, the further back I wanted to be. My mum wheeled me to the car, and Harry opened my door. I sat there staring inside the car, not wanting to get into the death trap. I felt, if I got in, I would basically be committing suicide. I'm assuming Harry saw my worry, because he grabbed my hand and squeezed it. It didnt send the electric jolt through my body like usual. He helped me up and into the car. I squeezed my eyes shut and took deep breaths. When I felt the car rumble to life, I squeezed the grip tighter and told myslef it would be ok, but I couldnt believe my own words.


Its seems like when I was in the hospital, the volt in the back of my head holding all my deepest secrets and biggest fears opened up, releasing everything inside. The monsters under the bed woke up, and the ghost started roaming the halls. Cereal killers moved into my basement, and everything became ten times scarier. Just walking into the house, I was preparing for The Ripper to jump out and murder me.


Sorry its been awhile. I was grounded. I definatley would have written more, but im at 11% charge and I cant find my charger so..........anywho, I hope you enjoy this chapter and I promise, another one is coming soon.

-love ya xx

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