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This is the last part of this book 😪 I'm sad to see it end, but no worries, I'm starting a couple other ones. They're Narry and one Harry. I also have my newly published ones Psychotic and Don't Blame Yourself. Please go read those. I hope you enjoy the last-and very sad-chapter of ODBM.

You know what would be totally radical? I want like a co-owner person to help me with the plethora of other stories I've started and failed to do anything with, and the ones I've published, and even just to talk. If you could kik me or dm me or any of that good stuff, it would be really wicked if you could. My kik is hollaup_

Brey drove home. She couldn't take living like this, no Harry, bullies, a mental illness. she didn't know what had come if her life, and she just wanted it to stop.

Harry hopped on the train to try to get to Brey. He knew she was going to do something stupid and he needed to be there before she did. Once the train was in the staion, he pushed pass people and ran, he ran to Brey's house -it's really incredible he ran that far without having an asthma attack or something-. He ran in and yelled fire her.

"Brey!" he yelled

She didn't answer

He ran to her bedroom, tears gathering in his eyes.

"Brey" his voice cracked

He saw her on the floor blood covering her arms, and more dripping out.

He collapsed by her side and tried to stop the bleeding. He presses down on her arms, but it kept coming. he got up and ran to her bathroom pulling several washcloths from the shelves. He ran back to her and wrapped them tight around her cuts.

"It'll be ok, ok, ok. It'll be ok." he cried. His tears dripped on her,mixing with blood.

He sat there for a good twenty minutes holding the rags on her arms, even long after the blood stopped. After five more minutes he carefully removed the cloth and examined her cuts. They stared deep, and got shallow, there wasn't enough blood loss to kill her. He could feel a pulse, she was alive. He lifted her limp body up and cradled her in his arms. He almost lost her for the second time.

"I love you, I love you," he repeated over and over

He kissed her forehead


Five years later

"Thatcher, Riley, Marcus, bed time!" Brey yelled

"Aww but mummy, we don't want to" Riley whined

"Well that's to bad, daddy will be home tomorrow and I want you to be nice and happy, not mean and cranky" she told her children

They sighed and walked away

"Teeth! Make sure they're sparkly clean for daddy tomorrow" Brey yelled after them

Once the kids were in bed, she called Harry

"Hey love" he answered

"Hey" she smiled

"I can't wait to come home" he said

"Me either. The kids cants wait to see you, Thatcher keeps asking 'where's daddy'" they laughed

"I really do miss you" Harry said

Brey sighed "I ran int Patricia today. She acted like we were best friends, asked about you, and Louis..."

Harry laughed "Louis was shattered when they broke up, but then he moved within a week"

They laughed for a couple seconds before they fell silent

"Have you had any nightmares" Harry asked

"Just one, but it wasn't too bad"

"I wish I could be there with you. To help you, I know your still depressed and I don't want anything to happen to you" Brey knew what he was talking about

"Don't worry, I have the kids...and you"

"I love you" Harry said

"Love you too" she replied before the line went dead

She sighed an locked her phone

"Mummy" a voice called

"Yes sweetie" Brey said and looked over to Marcus

"I'm scared. Can I sleep wif you"

"Sure honey. Come on"

Marcuse crawled onto the bed. They both fell asleep, both anxious for Harry's return.


That's it, the very end😭😭😭😪. I'm sad but hopefully I can put my focus I'm my other books. I hope you enjoyed this book, I know I loved writing it.

Last thing, I know I've asked this a lot, but can you please, please, please, read my books Psychotic and Don't Blame Yourself, I would really love it! Thanks love you guys sososososo much!

-love ya xx

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