Chapter 8

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It's Monday

I get to go to school

I got up and headed to the bathroom and turned in the shower

I went back out into my room to ht a change of clothes

I picked a white long sleeved shirt, a pair of skinny jeans, and brown boots.

I walked back into the bathroom and hopped in the shower

I dragged out my shower as long a I could

"Brey your gonna be late!" my mum yelled

I sighed and turned off the shower

I wrapped a towel tightly around me

I wiped the steam off the mirror and brushed and blow dried my hair

I put on a little bit if makeup

I dried off my body and got dressed

I walked into the kitchen to eat some breakfast

I herd talking coming from the kitchen

I looked in and saw Harry talking to m mum

"There you are. hurry now your going to be late"she said whilst shoving a pice of buttered toast in my hands

I took at bite "I have get my bag, I'll be right back"

I ran I fetch my bag

"Ready" I said walking back into the kitchen

"Yep" Harry said putting his hand on back leading me out the door

"Bye mum!" I yelled just before Harry closed he door

I hopped in Harry's car and we left for school

He parked in his usual spot and we got out and walked into the building

We met up with Niall and talked a bit before the first bell rang


English went by slow.

It was always the best class but now it dragged on

I was eager to get to second period

Actually I was eager to see Harry

Second period finally came around

I walked in to the locker room to get changed into my gym uniform

As I was walking into the gym someone stopped me

I looked up and was face to face with the devil herself, Patricia

She stood there with her two demons, Chelsea and Lindsay.

"You have made a mess with my poor Loui" she poked my shoulder

Her posse nodded

"He's always spacing off" Chelsea said

"Or very angry" Lindsay finished

"I'm not seeing how this is my fault" I said shaking my head

"When you got together with Harry, him and Loui got in an fight over you-"

"Bet that's the first time someone fought over you" Chelsea snickered

Patricia's head snapped back

"You interrupted me" she hissed

Chelsea bowed her head down in shame and Patricia looked back at me

"Anyway, the fought and they're friendship broke because of you" she explained to me

"Why do you think I give a fuck about Louis' happiness. he didn't do anything but insult me" I spat "Now get out of my way please"

I pushed past her but before I was fully out of the locker room he grabbed my wrist and turned me around so I was facing her.

She took her perfectly manicured hand and slapped my face, hard

I raised my hand to my stinging cheek

I looked at her ready to connect my fist with her nose

She looked at me and smiled then looked back at her two minions who both gave her high fives

He looked back at me and I balled my hands into fist

"Ooh my hand is starting to sting" she said

Soon you face will too

I brought my hand up and slapped her face

Chelsea and Lindsay screamed and Patricia held her cheek

She gave me a glare

"Stop squealing you idiots" she snapped

"Sorry" they said in unison

"If this bruises you are in some serious shit" she spat and walked pass me

I walked into the gym and over to Harry

"Hey babe" he smiled and wrapped his arm around my waist

"Hey" I smiled and gave him a quick peck on the lips

"No love for Nialler"

I looked up saw Niall standing by me

I smiled and gave him a hug

"That better"

I giggled at his silliness

"Ok kids today you will continue working on your projects" Coach said

Everyone nodded and deprecated into their groups

Niall ran off to find Zayn and me an Harry sat down

"What happened to your cheek" Harry asked turning my head to get a better look

"Patricia" I sighed

"Baby I'm sorry" he said lightly kissing where she slapped me

"It's fine. I got her back good" I looked over at Patricia who was shooting daggers my way

He looked over at her

Her face was red and slightly swollen. it was starting to turn a light shade of purple

Harry laughed "I didn't know you could hit like that"

"I've hade my fair share of fights" I said

It's true I used to fight a lot in middle school.

Harry looked at me in disbelief "I cannot picture you as a fighting person"

"oh Harry your so cute" I lightly pinched his cheeks

He swatted my hands away "I'm not cute. I'm sexy"

I laughed more

He jutted his bottom lip out

"Ok you are sexy" I said

He smiled

"And so very cute" I added in a whisper

We talked for the rest of class and made our way to fourth period

The rest of the day was actually great

I went to Harry's house after school to try to get some of our project done. We didn't do anything that had to do with the project though.We tried more than once to start the project but Harry and I kept getting distracted with little stuff. Anything to get out if doing any work.


~The next week~

"Babe I have to tell you something" Harry came up to me

"Ya" I said looking up from my book

"You know how you said me and Ni should audition for the X-Factor" he said

I nodded

"Well we are!" he said with a giant smile on his face

"That's great Haz! When is it?" I asked

His whole mood changed

"Two days" he said looking down

"Two days" I whispered

He nodded

"Would you like to come with me" he looked up with hopeful eyes

"I would love to but I can't" I said

"What? Why?" he asked

"I have to study and all this stuff u can't just ditch school" I said

"You've done it before" he said

"That's different"


"It's- ju- I don't know I just is"

"Babe I really want you there. Please. Please. you have no idea how much I want you there"he begged

He even pulled out his puppy face

I always give in

"O-ok I guess" I said

He jumped up an spun me around

"No need for the excitement" I laughed

"Yes! I thought your weren't gonna go with me" he said


I was in a mad rush to finish packing my stuff.

I had put it off until a hour before we had to leave

I finished packing with twenty minutes to spare

Phew I was having a panic attack

I herd a knock on the door and opened up to see an excited Harry standing there

"Harry your early" I said

"Ya so"he said "grab your bags"

I laughed and went to grab my suitcase

I tossed it in the trunk of his car

I hopped in the back because his mum was in the front

"Hello Anne. How are you?" I asked Harry's mum

"Great. what about you sweetheart"

"Fantastic" I said

"Where's Ni" I asked

"Oh he I auditioning in Dublin so his brother can go" Harry said

"oh ok" I said

The rest of the car ride was silent


He was about to go on stage

"I don't think I can do this. I feel like I'm going to puke. oh god Brey I cant" he was freaking out

"Haz" I said grabbing his face "you'll be great. Better than great I know it me and your mum have so much faith in you an even I you don't make it through know I will love you and there's always next year. Don't psych yourself out you will do fantastic I know it we all do. I love so so much just go out there and don't even think of anything but that time me and you sang together" I smiled at the memory "remember that?"he nodded "I love you"

I kissed him one last time before he was called out in stage

He finished his audition and everybody was clapping and cheering

He looked over at me an smiled and I smiled back


He made it through!

He did it!

"OH MY GOD HARRY IM SO HAPPY FOR YOU!" I screamed as he came running over to me and his mum

He hugged an kissed us both

"I'm so relived" he said

"I knew you could do it" I whisper in his lips and kissed him a couple more times

"I love you" we said at the exact same time


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I want you opinion on what I should do next

Should I make their love last or should I have them go their separate ways?

Please comment

Love ya xx

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