Chapter 17

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Everybody was rushing around me checking vitals, or crying and saying how happy they were I was alive.

I, was not so happy right now

I couldn't talk, I could see, bit only sometimes, I would black out often, my head always hurt, I couldn't move, and so, so much more

Everyone was tying to talk to me, and asking me questions, that I couldn't answer.

It was like being at the dentist, when the dentist ask you a question, but you have all the tools and tubes in your mouth, so all you and do is groan

I just wanted everybody away from me, I wanted to be left alone

I felt someone grab my hand, and I felt that familiar spark that made my whole body tingle. The spark I missed so much

"I love you so much" Harry whispered

I tried to reply, tried to say 'I love you', but couldn't. So I just nodded, a tear slipping out of my eye

"Hey, don't cry. I know your not able to talk. I know you probably wouldn't say anything, even if you could. I know you gave up on me awhile ago, I know, I know I just stopped, stopped talking to you. You asked me why, said you missed, told me about how you had no one anymore, told me about your day like how we used to, and I did nothing. I ignored you" his voice shook

I had to agree with him. I'm not going to say, 'oh he was just busy'. He did ignore me, and it hurt. It hurt a lot.

"I just don't like, that it took you getting hurt like this to catch my attention" he said

I don't like it either. I was hurting before, and he knew it, but I guess I would have to face death for him to actually care.

I just with he would've spoken to me, even a simple 'hey' would work. He talked to his mum like, everyday, but couldn't talk to me. I really just wanted to scream at him. Plus, this crash was because of his stupid song. I know I was being childish and it was petty of me to blame him forth is crash, but isn't that what humans do. They don't want to take blame for anything, so they blame it in someone else. It's really bad for me to blame this on Harry, I shod be blaming the bastard who crashed into me. I wonder if he's hurt, I wonder if he was drunk, or just a dumb ass.

"I'm sorry" Harry interrupted my thoughts

I'm sorry too. I just blamed you for my almost death

He stayed there for the rest of the day, holding my hand. The feeling he brought almost made me smile. The warmth, safety, happiness, love. He brings it to me and that how I feel, even being near him. I drifted to sleep with an almost smiled on my face. I couldn't make myself smile, no matter how hard I tried.


Sorry it's been a long since the last update. Really sorry, but here is this chapter, short chapter :( but wuteva. I liked this chapter though so I hope you do

Love ya xx

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