His House

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The next day he said we would go to his house after school to work on the project.

He was being so confusing lately. It was frustrating having him come up to me and call slut and saying that he can't stand me than smiling at me and asking me how my day was.

I wanted to punch his pretty little face.


After school we met outside the building.

He grabbed my hand and led me too his car.

I got in the car.

It was a nice car, a Cadillac. It was black with beautiful red seats.

He turned on the radio and Wrecking Ball by Miley Cyrus was on. This was one of my favorite songs.

I started humming along and tapping my foot to the beat.

I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end and looked over to see Harry staring at me.

Once I looked at him he turned his attention back to the road.

We pulled up to a castle like home.

"This is your house!?" I said shocked. I know he was one of the richest guys in school, but I had no idea how rich. His house looked like fucking Buckingham Palace.

He laughed at my amazement "yea"

"Wow" was all I could say

Inside the hose was even more amazing than outside the house.

The floor was dark wood and right when you walked in there were two stair cases that were also wood. At the end of both stair cases there were two doorways. In between both of the stairs there was a wooden door with stained glass on them. The door led to the backyard.

"Are you hungry?" Harry asked snapping me out of my thoughts

"Uh, ya, a bit" i replied still admiring the beauty of his house

"Follow me" he said motining for me to follow him

We walked through one of the doors at the end of one of the stair cases

This door led to the kitchen.

The kitchen was as big as my house. It was wood like the rest of the house. There was a area in the middle of the kitchen to eat.

Harry headed to the refridgirator and pulled out a sandwich and cut it in half.

"Here" he said as he handed half the sandwich to me

"Thank you" I said and started to eat the sandwich

he nodded and started to eat.

We finished and he grabbed my hand and led me to his room.

We walked to the top of the stairs and to the end of the hallway.

He opened the door.

His room was obviously huge. It was a cream color with wood floors. His bed was white.

"Ok. How about we play 20 questions?" he offered

"Ok" i answered back

I was standing around and he went to sit on the bed.

"Come here." he said patting the spot next to him

I walked over to him and sat down

"Whats your favourite color?" Harry asked

"Blue or orange" I said "You?"

"Orange" he replied

"What do you do in your spare time?" I asked

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